25 facts about life in an era without internet and smartphone

Today we propose to talk about a time that for many young people today seems unreal and never existed. Why? It's simple.

Have you caught the era that was before the Internet and all sorts of electric gadgets? You get used to good quickly, and this is a fact! Let's remember how life was organized without Google and mobile phones that flooded everything around. Definitely, everything was different. As far as the world is different, these 25 photos are shown. Do not believe in a word !? See for yourself!

1. Books from a bookstore.

Right, before all the books were editions of paper. To get information, it was necessary to look for it in the book by the alphabetical index. Encyclopedias were very expensive, beautiful and rare. To have in your personal library such a directory was considered prestigious and very honorable.

2. You could spend a week to buy the right product.

Once there were no online stores. The product or service had to be searched in the Yellow Pages telephone directory. Had to ring up hundreds of stores and their departments to find out if there is a product in stock.

3. Get lost? Ask how to get there.

Literally a few years ago there were no applications with navigation or GPS. People everywhere used paper cards. At first it was necessary to find a landmark to determine on the map the square of its location. Only after that it was possible to figure out where to move on. In cases where the card did not help, it was necessary to look for pointers or ask people directions. The most interesting thing began when they pointed out the wrong way.

4. Personal meetings with a person.

There were no social networks! To find out what's new with a friend, it was necessary to meet with him personally and talk. Sometimes a person had to wait a long time, there was no mobile connection and there was no way to warn that a person was stuck in a traffic jam. And if a person did not come to the meeting at all, then it was required to spend a lot of time to find out what happened.

5. Security of banking operations.

Without the Internet at any store or restaurant, the employee could make a copy of your credit card using a special device and withdraw money. Without the Internet and mobile alert, the cardholder could not receive notification of illegal actions.

6. Music only on CDs or cassettes.

Cassettes, CDs, their recording and distribution were the whole business sector. To listen to your favorite music, if there was no disc, it was impossible. Access to sites with music via the Internet has changed everything.

7. The books were read in the library.

Your home encyclopaedias were excellent for school years. However, the institute or college / technical school already had to go to the library. And not all libraries had the right books. Sometimes it was necessary to go for information to the other end of the city, where there was access to more sources of information.

8. Write on paper.

In the early 90's there were text editors and printers, but they were not very common. Most people had to write everything by hand or typing on a typewriter.

9. I had to carry a trifle with me.

Why a trifle? To use payphone! Otherwise, it was impossible to reach someone. Significantly later came up with cards to pay for calls on the payphone.

10. Call the city communication operator by payphone to find out the time.

It's true. Previously, people often used the operator to specify the time. Of course, there were hours, but not all. Everyone had the opportunity to call a special service by payphone to find out the time.

11. Letters on a piece of paper through the mail.

To write news to another city or to congratulate you on the holiday, you could write a letter on a sheet of paper, seal it in an envelope and mail it, or even better with a postcard. A letter to remote areas could take several weeks.

12. Skill write with pen and capital letters.

The school is taught to write in capital and block letters. But every year this skill is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. In a couple of years, many people will manage to put a pen on their own with a pen on a very important document.

13. Call the home phone to talk with your loved one.

To contact a loved one, you should call your friend's or girlfriend's home phone number and ask your parents to call him / her to the phone. We know, it was terribly awkward ...

14. Payment in cash only.

Once it was possible to make a purchase only for cash. A person did not have the opportunity to pay for goods or services via the Internet without leaving home, or by pressing a couple of buttons in the phone.

15. It was necessary to wait until the photos show.

You really should have gone to the photo studio and left your film to be shown and printed photos. And only after that it was possible to put photos on the album and show it to your friends.

16. There was only one chance to see the broadcast on TV.

Want to watch a cartoon or a transmission? Previously, everything was much more complicated than today. First you had to find out the time of the session in the newspaper and wait for the broadcast. To see the repeat at any convenient time was impossible.

17. It was necessary to remember the phone numbers by heart.

When you wanted to call someone, you had to dial numbers on the phone each time on a new one. There could be no memory card of any kind.

18. News was read once a day.

Every day or even once a week, you could read the news in a newspaper made from real paper. Or watch the news in the evening on TV, other sources of information were missing.

19. Making mistakes.

In order not to make mistakes when writing the text, each person needed a lot to learn. Ask why? Because there was no program that could immediately notice the error and propose a correction.

20. Games in the fresh air.

Perhaps you will not believe it, but once your parents did not require you to call and tell where you are, or mark your location on the Internet. You just needed to be home before dark. Sounds fun and unusual? It was in fact.

21. Listened to the messages on the answering machine.

Instead of judging your popularity by the number of "likes" that you got, people rated their popularity by the number of messages left on their answering machine.

22. Using a computer without the Internet.

In the days of the "first" computers you could play solitaire or sapper. And you can do things: learn or work. And all this - without connecting to the network!

23. Folders full of papers.

Since the information was stored on paper carriers, folders with a pile of papers were a common thing for everyone. Because everything was on paper. All.

24. Talking face to face.

There was a time when people communicated with each other personally. There was no way to exchange messages.

25. It was impossible to disgrace the whole world.

But there were in the absence of the Internet and fatty pluses. There was no danger forever disgracing the whole world when distributing the video with your participation as a "viral" video.