Table-top fireplace

Few would refuse the luxury of having a fireplace at home. Heat of fire, crackling logs, home comfort ... But often our living conditions do not contribute to the installation of bulky fireplaces . And then come to the aid of such innovative design solutions, such as a desktop bio fireplace.

What is a desktop fireplace?

Mini bio-fireplace is a small glass container with a flame burning inside. Such a thing looks great in the interior. A table spirit fireplace can be put anywhere in the apartment: living room, bedroom, kitchen and even a bathroom! Worthy use of such a device will find in the office, where it will become an original decoration of the workplace. Also, a desktop fireplace can be a good gift to the manager.

Fireplaces are different in design, size and appearance. But they are united by the general principle of work.

The principle of biofireplaces

In the burner of the desktop fireplace there is a combustion of fuel, while carbon dioxide and water are released. As fuel used replaceable cylinders with bioethanol - purified ethyl alcohol. The fuel consumption in a miniature fireplace is approximately 0.4 liters per hour and depends on the model of the device.

For such a fireplace, you do not need to equip the chimney - as a result of the combustion reaction, absolutely harmless substances are released into the air (the same that the person emits when breathing). Thanks to this, the fireplace can not create soot on the ceiling, unless, of course, to install it too high. In order to keep the air clean, it is enough just to ventilate the room regularly.

Advantages of a desktop fireplace in front of a conventional

First, the desktop fireplace differs from the usual in its size and can be installed in absolutely any room. It can be put even on the floor or carpet! Walls and Bottom Fireplaces are made of durable fireproof glass and absolutely safe for any cover. In addition, the advantage of a table spirit fireplace is its mobility - you can at least carry it every day from place to place!

Secondly, as already mentioned above, a small bio-fireplace does not require the installation of an additional ventilation system.

And thirdly, it does not emit carbon monoxide and smoke, like burning wood or coal, and is therefore harmless to your health. And the desktop fireplace gives heat (although in small volumes) and is able to raise the air temperature in a small room by several degrees.