19 weeks of pregnancy - what happens?

The gestation period itself is a very long and complex process, during which the future child undergoes many changes. As a result, a whole organism is formed from the zygote, which differs from an adult only in size. Let's take a closer look at a period like 19 weeks of pregnancy, and find out what is happening at this time with the baby and the pregnant woman.

What changes occur in the fetus at this time?

Perhaps the main event of this time period of gestation can be called the completion of the formation of such an organ as the placenta. Despite the fact that it appeared long ago (at 5-6 weeks), only now is the formation of the third circle of blood circulation, resulting in the formation of a placental barrier. It is after this that the future mother has the opportunity (if necessary) to use separate groups of drugs.

If we talk specifically about what happens to the baby at the 19 midwifery pregnancy week, then the following changes should be noted:

  1. Skin covers, as before, still look wrinkled, and their color is red. At the same time, their thickening is noted, and the skin is covered with grease from the outside. At the same time, subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited in the cheeks, kidneys, and also the chest of the fetus. It is she who, after the appearance of the baby, will serve him as a source of energy for the first few days.
  2. There is rapid development of the central nervous system. So, the connections between the hotel nerve cells begin to form, and the area of ​​the brain increases. As a result of such changes, the reflex activity of the unborn child becomes more complicated. He begins to actively move the handles and legs, grabs them, sucks his finger. The baby responds well to loud sounds, which is noticeable when performing ultrasound.
  3. There is improvement of the digestive system. So, in the intestine of the fetus there is an accumulation of original feces, - meconium. It consists of exfoliated cells of the epithelium, bile. Outside the meconium is not excreted, but completely processed and then absorbed into the blood, enters the liver, the cells of which disinfect it.
  4. The excretory system of the fetus on this date is actively working. The kidneys produce and secrete urine into the amniotic fluid.
  5. The respiratory system develops. Appear bronchioles, the aggregate of which forms the bronchial tree.
  6. Sexual organs are quite distinct by this time.

The dimensions of the body of the future child to this time interval reach 15 cm, and its weight is 250 g.

What happens to a future mother at the age of 18-19?

The bottom of the uterus, with an increase in gestation, rises higher and now it is only 1-2 cm below the navel. The abdomen is already quite noticeable, therefore it is more difficult to hide the fact of pregnancy from others.

The future mother significantly increases weight. So, since the beginning of pregnancy, on average, it weighs in at 3.5-6 kg. As the abdomen grows, posture changes: the lumbar region of the spine is significantly bent forward, which leads to a gradual change in gait.

The synthesis of melanin increases, which can lead to the appearance of pigment spots on the skin surface. Also, the areola of the nipples, the white line of the abdomen and the vulva darken. After the appearance of the baby everything comes back to normal.

It is worth noting that at this time the future mother may face a number of difficulties, among which one can distinguish:

If you have at least one of the above manifestations, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. In no case should not engage in self-medication.