Cortisol elevated

Often, having received the results of tests, a person wonders what the meaning of this or that item means. In this article we will talk about what the hormone cortisol is. What to do if cortisol is elevated, and what it can lead to.

What is cortisol, and why does it rise?

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is often called the stress hormone, which is explained by its purpose. Cortisol is responsible for supplying the body with amino acids and glucose during stressful situations. Stress can be anything - from a simple trouble at home or at work, to life threatening. In any case, the body begins to react to the current situation and produce cortisol, which gives a surge of strength and enhances blood supply to the muscles. Accordingly, there is an outflow of blood from all other systems of the body, which causes a decrease in immunity. If in ordinary life to control their emotions easier, then in the case of really dangerous situations (a potential threat to life), the production of cortisol in an increased volume can save lives. All this is a sort of atavism - at a time when man was hunting and fighting, and in times of danger huge physical forces were required - raising cortisol was a salvation. At the present time, when the physical load is not so high, and the stresses continue to accompany us (albeit in an altered form), this hormonal load can be dangerous to health. It is proved that when cortisol is elevated, but there is no physical activity, muscles suffer first and glycogen (energy reserve for replenishment of glucose deficiency) is destroyed.

Symptoms of increasing cortisol in the body

When cortisol is elevated - the symptoms may be as follows:

  1. Sleep disturbance . Normally the amount of cortisol reaches its maximum in the morning hours. And by the evening it falls to a minimum. When the increase in cortisol is of a lasting nature, by the evening its production does not cease and the person is constantly in an easy state of excitation, in which it is difficult to fall asleep. If a person falls asleep, then his sleep is sensitive and the next morning there is no sense of rest.
  2. Weight gain. Despite physical exertion and proper nutrition, weight does not decrease. The concentration of fat around the waist and abdomen continues to grow - all this is the reason to pass the test for hormones.
  3. Constant fatigue even from minor physical exertion.
  4. Frequent colds. With an increase in cortisol immunity weakens, which makes a person more vulnerable to viruses and infections.
  5. Depression, suicidal thoughts, apathy. All this can also be a symptom of elevated cortisol. This is explained by the fact that cortisol reduces the production of seratonin.
  6. Problems with digestion. Diarrhea, constipation, colic - all this can accompany violations of cortisol.
  7. If elevated cortisol in a woman, there may be symptoms such as the appearance of hard black hair on the ground, characteristic of men (chest, face), a cycle, early puberty.

As a rule, cortisol is elevated in people who are hypochondriac and have little regard for their physical and moral comfort. In any case, if you have increased the level of a hormone with an accuracy can only determine the analysis, and only the doctor will prescribe medication. The day before the test, you should avoid drinking alcohol, do not exercise and do not smoke. And as you need to consult a doctor if you are taking any medications. All this can affect the reliability of the results of the analysis.

Treatment with elevated cortisol

To help in treatment, when cortisol is elevated, can change the way of life - nature walks, sports, yoga, meditations, relaxing baths, socializing with animals. It is also necessary to adjust the weight, reduce the consumption of coffee and alcohol. There are some natural drugs that can cope with the causes of elevated cortisol: