Makeup of the "styli"

As you know, in this world everything goes in a circle. Fashionable clothes, hairstyles and makeup are fashionable several decades ago. One of these "new-old" trends of fashion is the make-up of the "style." With the rapid pace of modern life and the simplicity of images, many girls are afraid of losing their individuality and charm. The image of the girl "stilyagi" helps them to stand out from the crowd and again become the center of everyone's attention.

Who are the "dudes"?

To create an image of a "style", first of all, it is necessary to understand the history of the emergence of this trend. It appeared in the sixties of the last century and became a manifestation of a new style of thinking, new judgments, the spirit of freedom and independence. In a word, all that made a person an individual and added color to his gray everyday life. Therefore, the female and male image of the "style" was always distinguished by bright colors in clothes and makeup, non-standard hairstyles and, of course, a wide variety of accessories.

Bright make-up of the "style"

The make-up of the "styli" is an obligatory emphasis on expressive eyes and bright lips. Traditional in the creation of makeup is one accent, which is why this image never looks rude or vulgar. The basis for makeup "style" can be a foundation or concealer, and in the end - a powder of light tone, which helps to hide all the skin imperfections and smooths the complexion. An ideal addition to this makeup is also the blush that is gently applied to the cheekbones.

In the makeup of the girl "stilyagi" there are two main accents. The first is the eyes. Eye makeup for "stilig" necessarily includes bright shades of eyeliner and shadows. The main components of the image are also arrow-swallows, dense and ideally traced by black, brown or turquoise eyeliner.

The final stage of eye makeup in the image of "stilyagi" is the application of mascara. It creates a maximum volume and gives the look extra depth. Not superfluous here, if desired, are also false eyelashes.

Then choose the color of lipstick. Lipstick "style" - it's all shades of red, coral, pomegranate or just a transparent shine that adds to the lips of sensuality and radiance.

The image of "style" with their own hands

Make the make-up "stilagi" with their own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to be guided by the following rules:

  1. The skin should be perfectly smooth and radiant. To do this, use a tonal basis or powder of light tones.
  2. Use the eyeliner or pencil to draw arrows. The arrow should go clearly along the line of growth of the eyelashes and slightly extend beyond it in the outer corner of the eye.
  3. On the area of ​​the century, under the eyebrows, apply light shadows. The moving eyelid is a shade of brighter colors.
  4. Complete your eye makeup with mascara. It should make them as thick and bulky as possible.
  5. The color of the lipstick should match your skin type and chosen outfit. It is desirable to use a matte lipstick of red color or a transparent glossy sheen.

Having created a make up for the style, do not forget about the hair. It, as a rule, is a fleece, which is necessarily decorated with a ribbon, a hoop or bright, interesting hairpins.

The image of the girl "style" was created. Now your life will be filled with positive, bright emotions and carefree, at least for this evening.