How is Christmas celebrated in Belarus?

Christmas is one of the most favorite holidays around the world. Christians are very important, because on this day they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In Belarus, Christmas in recent years is a national holiday, celebrated, as in all Orthodox countries - on January 7. But there are a lot of Catholics in this country, especially in the west. Therefore, the Catholic Christmas is also celebrated in Belarus - on December 25.

This holiday coincided with the ancient traditions of celebrating the days of the winter solstice. The people still have many customs and rites of paganism. Traditions for Christmas in Belarus provide for merry festivities, which last from December 25 to the Old New Year. These days people call the Christmas carols. Although now Belarus is a Christian country, this does not prevent it, along with the traditional celebration of Christmas according to the canons of the church, and perform the ancient rites.

How do they celebrate Christmas in Belarus?
  1. Mistresses necessarily adorn the house and prepare festive dishes, first lean, because until Christmas night lasts a fast.
  2. Young people are preparing for the festivities: they make masks and costumes, learn Christmas songs and ancient carols. Performed theatrical performances of the gospel stories.
  3. In cities, there are Christmas fairs and festivities with concerts, competitions and performances.
  4. On Christmas Day, festive services and liturgies are held in the temples. In the Catholic church it takes place on December 25, and in the Orthodox churches - on January 7.
  5. After the church, people continue to celebrate the house and set the table. On the tablecloth or under it put a little hay, as a symbol of the fact that Jesus was born in a manger, on the table there should be a candle, symbolizing the Bethlehem star. On the table, according to tradition, there was a kutia and a lot of meat dishes for rending.

If you look at how Christmas is celebrated in Belarus, it is obvious that people in the country tolerate representatives of all faiths, and people have preserved their ancient traditions and rituals.