What can not be given for a birthday?

Birthday is a wonderful occasion to make a nice dear person or just a friend. Choosing a birthday gift, we are very trying to please. However, there are people who are superstitious in life, and some gifts can upset them. So, what are some signs about what can not be given for a birthday? The two most common are the signs of a knife and a mirror. What is so bad about these items? Let us consider in more detail.

Why not give knives for a birthday?

Why not give knives for a birthday? There is much discussion about this. It all starts with the fact that since ancient times it is believed that negative energy accumulates in sharp corners, which does not bring anything good into the house, just like the weapon of war with which the knife is associated. It is believed that giving a knife to a married couple, or the hostess of the house, you doom her to love and family troubles.

Also, one should not lose sight of the fact that knives were universally used by sorcerers and witches to perform rites and prepare potions. And for each rite and procedure a certain knife with the necessary blade width was made. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble in the house, people say that you can not give knives for a birthday.

Why can not you give a mirror for your birthday?

In this superstition, as in superstition with a knife, there is much mystical meaning. For a long time people believed that a mirror is a corridor between two worlds. The world of the living and the dead. And if the soul of the dead wants to return to the world of the living, she can do this through a mirror. That is why many events were held to deprive the soul of the deceased such an opportunity. In addition, the mirrors were used for divination and sorcery rites.

It was also believed that the mirror has a memory, and it preserves the images of all who looked at it and their emotions. There is a real theory - an explanation of the occurrence of such a theory. The fact is that at the beginning of the 16th century the substrate for the mirror was made on the basis of mercury and other alloys. Mercury has a very interesting physical property, a kind of memory. Thus, if in the same mirror for a long time looked the same person, it is somehow remembered and could in the most unexpected cases show a completely distinguishable image. Such a frightening property was regarded as an evil mystic. That's why after the person dies the mirror is covered with a cloth. At present, this technology of making mirrors is not used.

In general, I would like to add that the action of the omen applies only to those who believe in them. Do not put more meaning into things than they have.