What book should I give to a man?

The principle "the book is the best gift" often helps us when choosing a presentation. Agree, useful information, vivid illustrations and spectacular cover in the aggregate create a good impression and suggest that the donor carefully considered his purchase. However, there are nuances that need to be considered when choosing, especially if the gift is intended for a male person.

What book can you give a man?

Consider the universal options.

Bright illustrated edition. This can be a selection of luxury photos from National Geographic or images of the best cars and motorcycles. When buying an illustrated book, be sure to take into account the interests and taste preferences of men.

Motivating. Ideal for a person who aspires to become a successful businessman or simply has a desire to develop as a person. Excellent inspirational books on motivation are "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, the series "Life Without Borders" from Nick Vuichich and "Turn yourself into a brand" from Tom Peters.

Guides on style and design. If you do not know which book you can give to a young stylish guy, then such guides will be most relevant. They detail the principles of creating male images, as well as the most common mistakes in the style. Editions on design can cover various ideas for the interior , applicable in everyday realities.

Self-study. Your friend has long dreamed of mastering the art of photography or drawing? Then give him an informative self-tutorial, which will push his actions and contribute to the implementation of dreams.

Other options. It will also be interesting for a guy to read a book based on which his favorite film was shot. A good presentation will also be a selection of aphorisms and quotes of famous people.