No signal on TV

There are several reasons why there is no signal on the TV. The problems that have arisen can be attributed to one of three groups:

  1. Problems of an external nature.
  2. Problems with your hardware.
  3. Other problems.

If, when you turn on the TV, you find that it does not work, first check that you have selected the correct input of the receiver on the remote control. If it is true, then to understand why there is no signal on the TV, you need to check by exclusion method all possible problems from the list below.

Problems of external character

First, check to see if your satellite TV operator is doing preventive maintenance. Probably, that's why the signal on the TV went missing. You can find this information on the official website of the company.

Also, the absence of a signal may be due to poor weather conditions. If there is a thunderstorm or a heavy snowfall, then you just have to wait until the weather improves.

Problems with your hardware

If the TV is writing "no signal", then check the position of your satellite dish. The signal may not be present if the plate is damaged or a layer of snow and ice has formed on it. In this case, you should try to carefully clean the plate and try to fix it denser in the required position. But with such problems it is better to entrust the tuning of the antenna to professionals.

However, the most frequent reason why a TV shows "no signal" is the failure of a satellite converter. In this situation, only the purchase of new equipment will help.

Also, do not forget to check the cable and its connection points. Maybe the TV does not work because of the damage in the cable. Or the receiver. Try to connect the receiver to a known functioning antenna, if there is no signal, then you must return the receiver to repair or purchase a new one.

Other problems

If you have not used the equipment for a long time and found that the TV does not work and there is no signal, it could have happened because of the obstacles on the signal path. Even a grown branch of a tree can interfere with the signal. If such an obstacle was discovered, and it can not be eliminated, then, unfortunately, the plate will have to be reinstalled to a new location.

If all the actions did not lead to a positive result, and there is still no signal on the TV, you should call a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the problem.