Strong restful

To sedatives, especially with the current rhythm of life, people resort often enough. In any pharmacy a large selection of such medicines, and they differ in both the strength of the effect and the therapeutic effect.

Soothing products of plant origin

Herbal preparations do not belong to strong soothing, the action is weak enough, effective when taking courses, but are accessible and harmless. Among them:

Combined preparations on a plant basis, in addition to plant, may include synthetic compounds. These include a significant part of the most popular means:

Combined sedatives have a stronger effect than herbs in their pure form. Corvalol, Barbovan and preparations starting with "valo" refer also to the category of cardiac agents, beneficial for the cardiac muscle.

Strong sedatives

Strong sedatives are usually divided into several groups, and they usually belong to the category of prescription drugs:

  1. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines (Relanium, Seduxen, Diazepam, Lorazepam). They have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, have a strong calming and weaker hypnotic effect.
  2. Tranquilizers. Isolated in a separate group, although in most cases they are made on the basis of benzodiazepines with the addition of substances that enhance their effect. The strongest of the soothing drugs that can be prescribed to mentally healthy people. They have a pronounced effect not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on motility, cause a slowdown in reactions.
  3. Neuroleptics (antipsychotic drugs). Are intended for the treatment of mental disorders.
  4. Antidepressants. A group of psychotropic substances intended to normalize the emotional and mental state in patients with depression.

All the drugs described above are sedatives of strong and rapid action, but when the dosage is exceeded, they are toxic. In addition, most of them with long-term admission is addictive (drug dependence, which is narcotic).

OTC over-the-counter sedatives

Restful medications sold without a prescription do not have such a strong effect, but usually exclude the risk of addiction and severe side effects. Consider the most popular of these tools:

  1. New Passit. A plant-based remedy with the addition of guaifenesin. It is used in the treatment of mild forms of neurasthenia, headaches and sleep disorders caused by stress. This sedative is available in the form of tablets and potions, but it is commonly believed that the potion has a stronger effect.
  2. Valocordin. The preparation includes phenobarbital, bromisovaleric acid ester, hop oil, peppermint. The form of release - drops. It is used for neuroses, stressful and anxious conditions, insomnia . With prolonged uncontrolled admission, serious side effects are possible.
  3. Corvalol. The composition of the drug is almost identical to Valocordin, but it has a softer effect.
  4. Afobazol. The drug from the group of tranquilizers. Suppresses both neurological and organic manifestations of neuroses, fears, anxiety. Perhaps the most powerful sedative pills available without a prescription.