Toasts of black bread with garlic

Crispy croutons are not only an independent snack that can be found packed on the supermarket shelf, but also a great addition to hot dishes, which should be cooked in your own kitchen. If you have a piece of black bread on the shelf two days ago, use it as your main ingredient, embodying one of the recipes below.

How to cook croutons with garlic?

Crispy hot croutons, crumbs and crust, which can be rubbed with a garlic clove slice, is one of the most favorite and affordable treats for many. So why not cook your favorite snack for future use and not store it in an airtight container on a shelf? A convenient snack will be at your fingertips.



Cut the black bread as thinly as possible into slices and distribute them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Sprinkle bread slices with large sea salt, dried garlic, mix and place in a preheated to 195 degree oven. After 10 minutes, when croutons become crispy and golden - they are ready.

Recipe of toasts with garlic to beer

Do not forget that croutons are one of the most popular and popular snack foods. Fragrant and hot, they are delicious even on their own, but in the company with the sauce become a real treat for any beerman and not only.



Cut the bread into slices of any convenient size. In the mortar rub the seeds of caraway seeds with a pinch of large sea salt and garlic. Melt the butter and mix it with the garlic paste, and then pour over the bread pieces. Put the croutons in the oven for 7-10 minutes to brown, and yourself, go for a simple sauce.

Sauce for toasts with garlic is prepared and faster. Crush the pickled cucumber and add it to the sauce consisting of sour cream, mayonnaise and mustard. To make the recipe spicy, you can add any spicy sauce (like "Tabasco") to taste. Execute everything with parsley and serve with hot toast.

Toasts with cheese and garlic



Put on the fire a heavy cast-iron frying pan and pour oil into it. When the oil warms up, put pieces of bread on it and leave the brown on both sides. Once the bread turns golden, turn it over to the other side and grate the roasted portion with a garlic clove. Lay a slice of cheese on half of all the pieces of bread and cover them with the second half, placing the pieces with a fried side to the cheese. Wait until the toast is browned on the other side, lightly cool and cut them into smaller pieces. Ready-to-eat croutons will be an ideal snack for soup.

Toasts of black bread with garlic in the oven



Cut the toasts with small cubes, put them in a preheated oven to 200 degrees and wait until they turn rosy and crispy. Melt a piece of butter and combine it with a pinch of salt and passed through the garlic press. Melt the warmed toast with melted butter and mix.