Sheyerman-Mau disease - causes and treatment of juvenile kyphosis

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system often debut in childhood, and in adulthood, people face their complications. Juvenile kyphosis or Sheyerman-Mau syndrome is one of such diseases. Without timely and correct treatment, it progresses, causing dangerous consequences.

Scheuerman-Mau disease - what is it?

This ailment is a special case of curvature of the spine. The juvenile kyphosis is accompanied by deformation of its upper part, in the thoracic region. Pathology occurs in the period of intensive development of the body and growth, at the age of 9-17 years. Both boys and girls are identically diagnosed with juvenile kyphosis (Sheyerman-Mau disease). The total number of adolescents who have this disease is less than 1%.

Sheyerman-Mau disease - causes

While specialists failed to pinpoint why some children are prone to kyphosis. Presumably, the disease of the spine of Sheyerman-Mau arises from a genetic predisposition. The risk of developing this disease is especially high if the nearest blood relatives, for example, parents, suffer from it. The Sheyerman-Mau disease may also have other causes:

What is dangerous for Sheyerman-Mau disease?

The syndrome of juvenile kyphosis is not a fatal pathology, but without therapy it leads to severe consequences. Early complications are associated with neurological manifestations. The roots of the spinal cord are strongly squeezed under the action of compression. The person feels intense pain in the spine and muscles of the press. Later, after 20 years, there is a destruction of the back with Sheyerman-Mau disease on the background of secondary degenerative processes:

Sheyerman-Mau disease - symptoms

The juvenile kyphosis of the thoracic spine has different signs depending on the degree of pathology. They are differentiated by age:

Shejerman-Mau disease - stages

Progression of juvenile kyphosis at the outset is not accompanied by any symptoms. The stages of development of Sheyerman-Mau disease include the following stages:

  1. Orthopedic (latent). The child has no complaints, the state of health remains normal. There are rare and minor back pain after physical exertion. There is a slight curvature of the thoracic spine and restriction of its mobility.
  2. Early neurological manifestations. The disease of Sheyerman-Mau causes squeezing of the nerve roots, because of which the teenager feels back pain, between the shoulder blades and the area of ​​the press.
  3. Late neurologic complications. Pathology is accompanied by the above degenerative and destructive changes in the spine. The pains become intense, sometimes they can not be tolerated. The mobility of the back is severely limited.

Sheyerman-Mau disease - diagnosis

Identify the described pathology can be at an early stage, but patients are more likely to be treated in the presence of complications. At reception the orthopedist interrogates the person, collects the family anamnesis. The optimal option to correctly diagnose the Sheyerman-Mau disease is X - ray , the signs of the thoracic kyphosis are immediately visible in the picture. In addition, a wedge-shaped deformation of several vertebrae is found, numerous Schmorl hernias can be present.

If you suspect neurological and other complications, the following types of research:

Often a patient needs specialist advice:

Sheyerman-Mau disease - treatment

Therapy of juvenile kyphosis is complex and long-lasting. The primary methods, how to treat Sheyerman-Mau disease, are massage, manual and physiological effects:

The main method to cure the Sheyerman-Mau disease is regular exercise of special exercises. Physical loads should be purposeful and thoughtful, taking into account the stage of pathology and the presence of complications. At the beginning of therapy (the first 2-3 months) gymnastics will have to be done daily. After the appearance of improvements, the exercises are performed once every 2 days.

Disease of Sheyerman-Mau - LFK

Gymnastics is developed individually for each patient in accordance with his age, severity of kyphosis and limited mobility of the spine. Exercises for Sheyerman-Mau disease include 5 basic blocks:

In addition, you can engage in other sports, except those that require jumping - basketball, exercises with a skipping rope, volleyball and the like. It is useful to ride a bicycle with Sheyerman-Mau disease (on flat and urban terrain), swimming, therapeutic walking. After the appearance of persistent improvements gymnastics is carried out with weighting, 3 kg for women and 5 kg for men.

Sheyerman-Mau disease - operation

In severe cases of curvature of the spinal column, conservative therapy rarely helps. If the Sheierman-Mau back disease has progressed progressively and caused persistent complications, hump formation and irreversible deformation of bone tissue, surgical intervention is prescribed. Indications for its implementation are the following factors:

The operation involves implanting into the spine hypoallergenic medical structures made of metal - screws, hooks and rods. They perform several functions:

Exodus of Sheyerman-Mau disease

The prognosis of juvenile kyphosis depends on the stage of progression of the pathology, the age of the patient and the severity of the existing symptoms. When the illness of the teenagers Sheyerman-Mau was diagnosed in the latent stage or in the presence of early neurological manifestations, her treatment will take several months. If a person continues to follow his posture , lead an active and correct way of life, regularly engage in physical education, the forecast is favorable.

Any severe anomaly of the spine with Sheyerman-Mau disease is worse than therapy. Complications in the form of osteochondrosis, lumbulgia, osteoarthritis and other diseases can provoke irreversible changes in the shape of the back and limits its mobility. In such situations, juvenile kyphosis can be alleviated, but the pathology can not be cured completely.