Rose essential oil

Rose is a beautiful flower, which from ancient times symbolized love and beautiful, exalted feelings. Gentlemen of all times associated him with female beauty, which is full of tenderness of romanticism. Of course, such a pleasant association of roses does not just cause - its chic fragrance is able even without affecting the skin and hair to transform the appearance - to bring a smile and sparkle in the eyes. However, there is no limit to perfection, and women have learned to use the potential of roses in cosmetology by 100%, adding its oil to the mask for skin and hair.

Types of rose oil: how not to buy a fake?

The essential oil of a rose is obtained by steam distillation - so its properties are best preserved. Today to find a real rose oil, not diluted with additional fatty bases is not so easy. In pharmacies and beauty shops you can find cheap oils with the inscription "rose oil", and many do not even have suspicions that the cost of several roses is much higher than this oil, which will require about a hundred flowers.

However, a high price is also not a guarantee of 100% naturalness - cunning producers use geranium or santaline instead of rose oil, which are cheaper, but they are also often falsified in the same queue.

Guibur advises several complex ways of evaluating the naturalness of oil:

  1. Under the action of nitrous acid, the pink oil turns yellow.
  2. Under the influence of sulfuric acid, rose oil, unlike others, retains its odor.
  3. Under the influence of iodine vapors, rose oil retains its aroma and color.

Essential oil of tea rose is one of the cheapest. Much more expensive essential oil roses from Morocco and essential oil roses damask, because it expends money for exports, and besides, these are classic varieties of rose hips, of which originally made rose oil.

By their properties, they practically do not differ, so there is no significant difference in the choice of a certain grade - it is much more important that the oil is natural.

Properties of essential oil roses

First of all, rose oil is known for its bactericidal and wound healing properties. Extracts of roses contribute to scarring, and modern medicine actively uses it for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

On the skin, rose oil acts appropriately, and therefore it is used by those who have a problem skin with inflammations.

Also, oil helps strengthen the skin turgor - it can be used to smooth wrinkles around the eyes.

Hair pink oil gives shine and softness, and also it is able to get rid of dandruff .

Application of essential oil roses

The use of the essential oil of a damask rose (or another variety) can be in pure or diluted form.

Rose essential oil for hair

To strengthen the hair roots, as well as getting rid of dandruff, rub the rose oil into the roots of the hair 3 times a week for a month, and then, after making a break for 2 weeks, repeat the course. A break must be done to ensure that the scalp is not accustomed to a constant oil supply.

For the tips of the tips there is no better medicine than a haircut, but if you do not want to say goodbye to the length of the hair, then put the rose oil on the tips, and then the egg yolk. After 2 hours, the mask is washed off. This procedure should be performed before each head wash for 2 months.

For growth and shine of hair mix in equal proportions pink and burdock oil, and then put a mix on damp hair and distribute on all length. Keep this mask should not more than 40 minutes. For prevention, 1 procedure in 14 days is sufficient.

Rose essential oil for face

To smooth wrinkles , use rose oil instead of cream: after washing, wipe face with lotion, and then apply oil to the wrinkle area, then use the cream. As the face becomes very fat, it is advisable to do this only at night, and in the daytime use normal care.

To tighten sagging skin, use a combination of rose oil and green clay - 1 tbsp. clay 10 drops of oil. Then add water in such quantity that the cream-like mass has turned out. After 20 minutes after application, the mask is rinsed off with warm water.