Caloric content of dried fruits

Dried fruits are a year-round source of vitamins and nutrients. Nutritionists are sure that this is a great option for a snack in case ordinary food is not available. In this case, it is worth considering that the glycemic index of dried fruits is high enough, because there are a lot of sugars, and for those who suffer from diabetes, it is worth choosing another option.

Caloric content of dried fruits

In order to determine what dried fruit to choose, you can focus on the calorie table. Take into account - they all have a rather high energy value, and you should not abuse them not to gain too many calories per day.

So, how many calories in dried fruits:

Considering the calorie content of dried fruits, they are used for weight loss cautiously, in the morning, as a substitute for dessert. For many people, a complete rejection of the sweet seems unrealistically difficult task, and at the first steps it is possible to use dried fruits to replace harmful sweets with more useful ones.

Diet on dried fruits

Dried fruits represent a unique snack, which allows you to satisfy at once two needs: cravings for sweets and satiety. In order to kill the desire to eat an elephant, it's enough to take 3-5 pieces of dried apricots or prunes , and, slowly chewing them one at a time, with a glass of water or tea without sugar. By the end of this meal, hunger will drop significantly, and after another 15-20 minutes you will find that unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area do not bother you anymore.

Include dried fruits in your menu is best for a second breakfast or an afternoon snack. As an example, consider this menu option based on the correct diet for weight loss:

  1. Breakfast : fried eggs or omelette with tomatoes, tea without sugar.
  2. The second breakfast : tea without sugar, 3 - 5 dried fruits (not more than half a glass by volume).
  3. Lunch : soup light on chicken broth with vegetables, a slice of cereal bread.
  4. Second breakfast : half a cup of cottage cheese or a glass of ryazhenka.
  5. Dinner : baked fish, chicken or beef with a garnish of cabbage and other vegetables.

Eating according to this menu can be as long as you like, there will be no harm to the body. Weight loss in this case will take place at a rate of 0.8 - 1.2 kg per week.