The left side of the head hurts

The unilateral headache on the left is a frequent complaint, especially from the female population of the planet. According to statistics, about 75% of women suffer from it. It is important to immediately try to find out the cause, because of which the left side of the head hurts, since this can be a symptom of serious disorders of cerebral circulation, growth of tumors.

Why does the left side of the head constantly hurt?

If the problem in question does not have other, additional clinical manifestations, its cause may be meteosensitivity. Many women suffer from left-side headaches when weather, season, or wind direction changes. Sensitivity of this kind arises from changes in atmospheric pressure. Unpleasant symptoms are not very pronounced, but can last for a long time.

Often the left side of the head hurts because of injuries, curvature of the spinal column, shortening or congenital anomalies of the foot. The syndrome appears against the backdrop of a forced misalignment of the load on the spine, excess voltage on one side of the body.

Another factor that provokes the described symptom is osteochondrosis . It is accompanied by a drawing, aching pain in the left side of the head, neck, pulsation in the temple, dizziness.

It is worth noting that there are psychological reasons for this pathology. The head begins to weakly hurt on the left, when a person is afraid of making a mistake, dissatisfied with some situation, his own behavior, does not want to act in a certain way.

The left part of the head hurts and the left eye hurts

To the irradiation of the pain syndrome, many dangerous factors are in the organs of vision. Therefore, it is important to find out why the left side of the head hurts - the main reasons can be as follows:

  1. Migraine with aura. Immediately before the attack, flickering begins, the pain in the eyelids, temples, upper jaw, forehead is felt.
  2. Beam cephalalgia. Characterized by acute onset, very severe pain syndrome. During an attack, the affected eye turns red.
  3. Paroxysmal hemicranium in a chronic form. The pain is similar to burning or rippling, often repeated, up to 15 times a day. During the attack, the pupil rapidly contracts, the eyeball falls.
  4. Glaucoma. Pain syndrome occurs due to increased intraocular pressure. It spreads to the forehead, cheek, temple.
  5. Stroke. With a hemorrhage in the brain, the left side of the head and half of the face aches, speech, hearing and sight disorders, coordination, confusion are noted.
  6. A brain tumor. Pain syndrome usually occurs early in the morning. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, movement coordination disorders.

The left ear hurts and only the left side of the head

The main cause of this symptomatology is the progression of the infection. The reasons for the combination of left-side headache and ear pain:

Usually, such a pain is strong, has a pulsating character, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and obvious manifestations of intoxication of the body .

What if the left side of the head hurts?

The only true solution in this situation is to go to the hospital and consult several doctors:

Temporarily independently to stop painful syndrome it is possible, having drunk a tablet of an antispasmodic preparation, for example:

After this, it is desirable to have a good rest, if desired, go to bed.