Jim Carrey commented on the suicide of his lover and told about their break

Jim Carrey still can not recover from the suicide of his ex-girlfriend Katriona White. For the first time since her death, the actor told about the details of their parting to journalists.

Tragedy in Los Angeles

28-year-old make-up artist Katriona White committed suicide in late September, a few days after the break with Hollywood actor Jim Kerry.

The girl died taking a horse dose of potent medicines. Next to her body were found a note in which she wrote about her love for the artist.

Stay friends

In an interview, Kerry stressed that by suggesting that White finish their novel, he was 100% sure that she was a strong woman and would be able to survive it. He did not completely erase it from his life, but offered his help and friendship.

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Mother pressure

The actor voiced his version of the reasons for his friend's suicide. He told us that Catherine and her sister were raised by her father. Mother left the family when the girls were still young. Becoming an adult, White, who continued to love the woman who gave her life, decided to establish relationships with her mother.

The girl told the parent about parting with Kerry and she decided to finish off her daughter by writing her a cruel letter. In it, the woman rebuked Catherine, making her to blame for the break with the Hollywood actor and summarizing that she missed her chance in life.

Jim Carrey's words also confirm the opinion of experts, they believe that the message of the mother could push White to suicide.

In this case, the actor does not reduce his guilt and reproaches himself for his inattention. Communicating with the former girl on the eve of her suicide, he did not attach importance to her depressive mood. Now he realizes that she was giving signs that he did not pay attention to.