Aivar - recipe

Aivar is an inalienable dish of Balkan cuisine and is made from sweet, less often spicy, paprika. It can be used as a sauce or a side dish to complement the meat dishes , or simply as a putty on bread. The unique aroma and rich taste of snacks will surely please you. Below are a few recipes for the preparation of the Aivar for the winter.

Aivar - recipe for the winter in Serbian with eggplant



This variant of cooking ayvara involves preliminary boiling of the components of the sauce in the marinade. For this, mine, and we save the eggplant and peppers from the peduncles, and the last and from the seeds. We then cut the fruit into medium-sized slices. The amount of ingredients in the recipe is already indicated in the purified form.

Now, in a large dish, mix the cleaned water, salt, sugar, about a third of a glass of sunflower refined oil and acetic essence. Warm up the marinade to a boil and dissolve all the crystals, after which we put prepared vegetables into it. We are waiting for a second boil and cook the contents of the dishes to the softness of pieces of pepper and eggplant. We now extract the vegetables in a colander or strainer and let them drain and cool down a little. Then turn them through a meat grinder, add the remaining sunflower oil and place the resulting mass in a suitable container for further cooking. Sauce (marinade) can be bottled and used in the winter for salad dressing or for adding to other dishes to taste.

Boil twisted peppers and aubergines are necessary for frequent, or even continuous, stirring until soft and thick. This may take from one and a half to two hours. We try the aivar for the taste and, if necessary, add sugar or salt. It remains only to lay out the blank on sterile and dry jars, to seal with sterile caps and leave in an upside down form until completely cooled.

This basic recipe for cooking Serbian aivar can be used as a basis for obtaining a more spicy version of the sauce. For this, peppers and aubergines can be added to the taste of garlic or onions. But spices Serbs practically do not use.

Macedonian aivar with tomatoes - recipe for snacks



A lot of options for preparing aivar are supposed to pre-bake peppers on the grill or in the oven. Thanks to this, the sauce acquires a unique aroma and taste. This Macedonian recipe is not an exception and for its implementation the washed peppers will be placed on a baking sheet and baked to the rudeness of the barrels. After that, put the hot fruits in a bag, fasten for a while, then easily get rid of the skins, we also extract the seeds and remove the stems.

Tomatoes must also be peeled. To do this, we scald them for a few seconds with boiling water, after which we immediately pellet with ice water and remove the skin without any special effort.

Now the flesh of tomatoes and baked peppers, together with peeled onions and garlic teeth, is twisted in a meat grinder and placed in a pan or saucepan. For sharpness, you can add a pepper chili pod if desired. We pour in sunflower oil and cook the vegetable mass until most of the liquid evaporates and a sufficiently thick texture of the sauce is obtained. Now add salt and granulated sugar, pour in the vinegar, boil the mass for five minutes, after which we spread the finished aivar on sterile dry vessels and seal it sealed. It is necessary to additionally leave the workpiece under a warm blanket for self-sterilization, turning the jars lids down.