Why do I love you?

Of course, you have repeatedly heard the expression that you can not love for something, but sometimes you want to ask your lover: "Do you know why I love you?". Even if you yourself did not think about the answer. After all, love always gives rise to the desire to think and talk about yourself. And even if world scientists regularly ask why we fall in love and, in general, for what people love each other, then it's not strange that these thoughts come to you. Let's and we will think (the scientists' explanations are too unromantic), for which one can love a man, and what can one say to a man to explain the strength of the feeling that spills you.

So, tell the guy the reasons: "why do I love you":

Asking why we love a person, the main thing is to finish with this thought. All its merits, which we value so much (and in your loved one, even the smallest dignity is judged on the maximum scale) is a subject of our pride, but you meet another person with a similar set, this does not guarantee the occurrence of feelings. Just enjoy the feeling of love and be happy!