Chocolate Capcases

Capcas are small portioned cakes baked in paper forms for muffins and decorated with cream. They are very beautiful looking and unusually tasty. Now we will tell you how to make capkeys at home.

Chocolate Cappeycakes - recipe


For the test:

For cream:


In a small saucepan spread the butter and sugar, put it on the fire and, stirring, heat until the butter melts. In cocoa, pour boiling water and stir. Mix the oil mixture with a mixer until it cools and add the eggs one at a time, whilst continuing to beat. Now pour in the divorced cocoa, add the vanilla sugar, do not stop beating. After that, we pour flour sifted with baking powder and soda and sour cream. It is desirable to add flour and sour cream in portions, alternating them: flour, sour cream, flour, sour cream and flour again. We spread the dough into paper liners, filling them with ¾ volume, install it in a special form for baking cakes and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. Readiness can be checked by puncturing the product with a match or a toothpick, if it's dry, then our chocolate capsay is ready.

To make a cream, you need to melt the chocolate. You can do it on a water bath, or you can use a microwave. Cocoa is mixed with sugar powder, add chocolate. In a blender, beat the butter with cheese, add the rest of the ingredients and beat again. Ready cream put in a pastry syringe and decorate the cooled keksiki. If desired, the tops of the capkaki with cream can be sprinkled with coconut chips, grated chocolate or chopped nuts. If you want to get a white cream, you do not need to add cocoa, and instead of black you use white chocolate.