Pastry cake - recipes of sweets from simple ingredients

A sweet pastry cake will help you to delight domestic sweethearts with a delicious dessert. To cook a delicacy is a pleasure, the whole process will take no more than half an hour and a few minutes to impregnate. To such an exciting business, you can confidently connect the kids, they will be interested in creating original sweets with their own hands.

Homemade pastry cake

As a rule, cookies made from cookies without baking, this can not but rejoice busy housewives. There are a lot of recipes for making delicacies, and the most urgent ones will be those in which dried or stale cookies are used.

  1. The simplest cake made from shortbread cookies is a variant with a creamy layer, which can be prepared from improvised products: sour cream, curd mass, cream.
  2. The famous cake "Tiramisu" from savoyardi cookies - for a layer you will need coffee and mascarpone.
  3. The most popular delicacies, familiar to most sweeties since the Soviet era - "Potato" and chocolate sausage.
  4. Anthill is a cake made from dry biscuits, soaked in boiled condensed milk.
  5. Binder, custard, melted butter, chocolate or thick caramel syrup can serve as a binding component for crumbled cookies.

How to make a cake "Potatoes" from cookies?

Prepare the simplest cake "Potatoes" from the cookie at home, and the child can: give him the prepared ingredients and let him mess around, form balls, sausages and breaded in sweet cocoa powder. This process is very exciting, and then the kid will eat this delicacy with great pleasure.



  1. Mix the butter and condensed milk.
  2. Rinse the cookies with a blender into a small crumb.
  3. Combine both masses, knead the dough.
  4. Pinching off on a piece, mold the cake "Potato" from the pastry.
  5. Strain in a mixture of sugar and cocoa.

Pastry "Sausage" from cookies

Cake "Sausage" of cookies and cocoa - the simplest version of the preparation of chocolate delicacies. For a more original taste, you need to add crushed nuts, previously dried in a dry frying pan. For a more saturated taste in the classic composition, you need to add dark chocolate - a part to melt and a little bit tossed into the base.



  1. Mash the cookies into small pieces (not in breadcrumbs), combine with nuts and chopped chocolate.
  2. Pour cocoa and sugar, mix.
  3. Melt butter and chocolate, pour into the liver, mix.
  4. Put the mass on parchment, roll tightly "sausage", put into the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Cake "Anthill" - recipe from cookies

Madly just preparing the cake "Anthill" of cookies , the preparation will take 10 minutes and on impregnation for about half an hour. Form the cake can be entrusted to children and decorate it in any way: sprinkling, chocolate chips or glaze. From the classic "baked" delicacy taste will not differ much if you take a dry fresh biscuit.



  1. Crumble cookies, mix with nuts.
  2. Combine butter and condensed milk.
  3. Mix both mixtures, moistened with hands to form balls. Decorate at will.

Cake "Cottage" made of cookies with cottage cheese

To make a simple pastry cake and cottage cheese the recommendations from the recipe will help the original. The peculiarity of the option is the formation of a "cookie" from a shortbread cookie with a delicate cream inside, for a change inside a treat you can put a "surprise" in the form of fruits and berries, in this case it will be marmalade. The ingredients are for 2 cakes.



  1. Beat cottage cheese with sugar, mix with marmalade.
  2. Cook the dipping into the milk, lay out 1 layer of 6 pcs. (1 serving).
  3. Lubricate generously with cream.
  4. Lay out the second layer of wet cookies.
  5. Raise the 2 edges, forming a "house".
  6. Top with melted chocolate, decorate with marmalade, clean in the cold for 3-4 hours.

Cake "Minutka" from cookies - recipe

Cake "Minutka" made from cookies is a delicacy, which will please children very much. In fact, this is the same "Potato", only decorated with a treat is very original. To implement the idea you will need melted chocolate and a multicolored powder. Inside the cake, you can "hide" the nut, a piece of chocolate or marmalade.



  1. Grind the cookies in a crumb, mix with the melted butter.
  2. Roll the balls out of the dough, putting it inside the nut.
  3. To stick on a skewer, to dip in the melted chocolate.
  4. Roll in a sprinkle, leave for 1 hour to freeze.

Cake "Hedgehogs" - recipe from cookies

Cake "Hedgehogs" from cookies is a good and quick way to please the kids with an original and insanely sweet delicacy. For a basis it is better to choose a fresh biscuit biscuit, soak it with a mixture of boiled condensed milk and butter. Glaze can be cooked from cream and cocoa or apply melted chocolate. To contrast wafers it is better to take white: vanilla or lemon.



  1. Combine the condensed milk with butter and add crumbled cookies.
  2. Roll the balls.
  3. Melt the chocolate, grate the waffles separately.
  4. Each ball is dipped a pastry biscuit into chocolate, roll in a wafer crumb.

Pastry "Tiramisu" from cookies

"Tiramisu" is the world's most famous recipe for pastry cakes without baking. The dessert is prepared very quickly, it will take no more than an hour to impregnate it, you can collect the treat in many ways: in the form of a cake, in a kremanka or even in a glass. To implement the venture will need savoyardi, mascarpone and espresso, decorate the tiramisu traditionally with cocoa, sifting it over the cake.



  1. Beat the yolk with powder and vanilla sugar until whitening.
  2. Enter mascarpone, stir.
  3. Connect the cooled coffee with amaretto.
  4. Savoyardi break the dipped in coffee, spread in kremanku layers, generously soaking cream.
  5. Sprinkle cocoa, soak for 40 minutes.

Strawberry cookie made from cookies

Familiar since childhood cake from old cookies and wafers - "Strawberry". Prepare a delicacy is not difficult, the characteristic recognizable color is achieved by impregnation in beet juice. Some cooks color the billets with cherry syrup or pomegranate juice. Of these ingredients, you can make 10-15 strawberries.



  1. Grind crumbs of cookies and wafers, mix with soft butter.
  2. Roll balls, shape a semblance of berries.
  3. Dip into juice, roll in sugar.