Vanilla pudding

Pudding is considered an English dessert. Prepare it from milk, sugar, eggs and thickener - flour or starch. Now we will tell you how to make delicious and delicate vanilla pudding.

The recipe for vanilla pudding



Of the total volume, we cast about 1 cup of milk, and the rest is boiled. In that poured, in a cold mix cornstarch, then drive in eggs, add sugar and vanillin to taste. All this is gently whisked whisk, and then the resulting mass of a thin trickle pour into boiling milk and stir again. On a small fire cook for a mixture of minutes 5 - it should be cream colored. Here, in fact, that's all. We pour the mass into molds and cool it. After this, turn our dessert on a flat plate and pour on top with jam or syrup.

Vanilla pudding in the oven



Now tell you how to make vanilla pudding in the oven. In the saucepan pour in the milk, add sugar and lightly warm the mixture, so that the sugar has dissolved. Boil the milk is not necessary. In a bowl, break the eggs and stir the whites with yolks well, but do not need to beat them. After that, the mixture is well filtered so that it becomes homogeneous. Pour it into milk with sugar, stir and add the seeds of vanilla, which are cleaned directly from the pod.

Again, everything is mixed well and poured into molds, which then covered with foil and put in an oven, heated to 150 degrees, for 20 minutes. You can not look into the oven during cooking. Also, do not remove the foil immediately, let the pudding cool in the mold, then remove the foil. And turn the light dessert into a dish and decorate it at will.

Chocolate-vanilla pudding



Sugar is mixed with flour and pour the mixture into cold milk. Then put on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes, so that the mixture is slightly thickened. After that, add the melted butter, mix and divide the resulting mass into 2 equal parts. In one of them we pour out vanilla sugar, and in the second we add cocoa. Again, both mixtures are heated so that they thicken even more. We pour the mass into the molds - white-brown-white or vice versa and decorate with grated chocolate. We send it for about an hour to the refrigerator. After that, we serve chocolate pudding to the table.