Cervical cervix - causes

If between the menstrual period a woman has mild brown discharge or a normal mucosal leucorrhoea has a blood vein, it is likely that it covers the cervix of the uterus.

Physiological spotting

Normally, a healthy cervix should not be cut, but lean excretions are permissible with a slight trauma of the mucous membrane. This can happen during sexual intercourse, gynecological examination, ultrasound examination of the vaginal sensor, installation or removal of the intrauterine device .

If the cervix is ​​bleeding, the cause of these discharge should be fixed. If several medical procedures were performed for several months before the appearance of excreta, for example, diagnostic scraping, hysterography, abortion, it could be damaged if the cervix was opened. To the damaged tissues the infection quickly joins, and if not started on time, it can lead to serious inflammation.

Pathological discharge from the cervix

There are several more reasons why the cervix is ​​covered, namely:

  1. Inflammation of the cervix, or cervicitis . It can occur against the background of injury to the neck, and independently if there are pathogenic facts such as fungi, pathogens, including sexually transmitted diseases, and so on. This inflammation can not pass for a woman unnoticed, since it has pronounced symptoms. Cervicitis is treated with antibacterial drugs, local anti-inflammatory therapy and after eliminating the cause of the disease pathological discharge should stop disturbing the woman.
  2. Polyp of the cervix is a benign tumor on the stem. A small polyp may not manifest itself in any way, but its surface has the property, over time, become covered with small ulcers that begin to bleed. An untreated polyp can lead to serious bleeding, infertility, and also to pass into a malignant course.
  3. Erosion of the cervix often covers during examination, but can give bloody spots in the usual vaginal discharge. This is due to the fact that the sores and wounds on the eroded surface from time to time bleed. Erosion is always a sign of malfunction in the female body. It can be caused by all kinds of sexual infections or become a consequence of hormonal failure. But the most dangerous causative agent of erosion is the papilloma virus, which is the main cause of cervical cancer. Erosion is treated with conservative agents, and if this does not help, then remove the ulcerated cervical site.

As you can see, the bleeding cervix has many causes, and not all of them are harmless. Therefore, it is not necessary to guess why it krovit, and discovering that "extra" allocation is better to go to the gynecologist and undergo the necessary examinations.