Bending of the uterus posteriorly

Bending the uterus back (synonyms: retroflexia of the uterus, cervical bend posterior) is one of the variants of the uterus location. The norm is the position of anteflexia, that is, the bend of the uterus anteriorly. Despite this, it is proved that congenital retroflexia occurs in 15% of girls. It is necessary to dispel and the deeply rooted myth that bending the cervix posteriorly impedes fertilization, pregnancy and requires treatment.

Next, we will talk about other causes of retroflexia of the uterus, signs and treatment of diseases that can lead to a change in the position of the organ.

Bending of the uterus posteriorly - causes

As we noted, there is an inborn bending of the uterus posteriorly, but this is not a pathology at all. A girl who knows about her "feature" should not worry about her health. In the absence of other gynecological diseases, which we will discuss later, in women with a congenital cervical bend, the same chances for fertilization and normal pregnancy as in those with anteflexia.

But, unfortunately, there are reasons that "lead" the uterus from the position of anteflexia in retroflexia (that is, there is a bending of the uterus posteriorly).

The first reason is the weakening of the ligaments, which "hold" the uterus in a normal position. Occurs in the following cases:

The second reason is loss of elasticity of ligaments.

Occurs in the following cases:

Signs of retroflexia of the uterus

There are no specific signs of retroflexia of the uterus. Indirect "evidence" of malfunctions in the structure can serve: pain during intercourse, pain during menstruation, a feeling of heaviness before and after menstruation.

Some signs of retroflexia of the uterus may appear during pregnancy - on week 18 there are pains in the lumbar region. The mechanism of their appearance is the growth of the fetus, which causes the "elevation" of the uterus, and its transition to the position of anteflexia.

Bending of the uterus posterior - diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of bending the uterus back is very simple. On the usual gynecological examination, the doctor will easily determine in which position the uterus is located. Also, ultrasound provides clear information about the location of the uterus.

In general, retroflexia of the uterus does not require treatment. Exceptions are cases with chronic inflammatory processes in the small pelvis, as well as endometriosis. But even under these conditions, the underlying disease is treated, and there is no way to bend the cervix back. When the symptoms of retroflexia of the uterus are very evident - severe pain during sexual intercourse or menstruation is recommended massage the perineal region. This increases the blood flow to the genital organs, the ligaments become more elastic and the number of adhesions can be reduced until the unpleasant symptomatology disappears completely.

Bending of the uterus posterior and pregnancy

Retroflexia of the uterus is in no way responsible for infertility or miscarriages. For a long time it was believed that with this position the uterus can not become pregnant, but clinical studies have proven otherwise.

But still, such a position creates small obstacles for the movement of spermatozoa. If you want to conceive a baby, doctors recommend that after sexual intercourse for half an hour lie on your stomach.

If the bend of the cervix posteriorly appeared against the background of adhesions or endometriosis, the consistency of the uterus and fallopian tubes becomes somewhat denser, which creates a significant obstacle for fertilization and sometimes requires medical intervention.

Take care of yourself!