Blood thinning products

Normally, the blood is by no means dense, but even very fluid. But under our sensitive guidance, the red blood cells in the vessels just stick to each other and to the walls. What happens is a thick, too coagulated blood, and at the same time, varicosity, stroke, thrombophlebitis, heart attack, as well as oxygen starvation of the brain, heart, muscles. Therefore, we emphasize once again - the blood is not originally dense, it is we who "spoil" it.

Excessive blood clotting usually coincides with poor liver function. It is proved that in the majority of patients with varicose veins (a typical disease with dense blood), there are problems with the liver - the chemical laboratory and the filter of our body. The liver is responsible for the filtration of those substances that just exaggerate the blood in our veins. The liver does not work - blood spoils, blood clots are formed.

But we have comforting news - doctors in the quiet admit that with a properly selected menu, consisting of products that thin the blood, you can cure almost any vessel.

Hence, we undertake to compile two lists of products that thicken and dilute the blood.

Thinning products

The most famous drug that dilutes blood is aspirin. It is known that it rapidly leads to blood thinning, although when the stick is bent (and we know how), it leads to the opposite effect - the formation of thrombi. Do not experiment with aspirin unless you are prescribed by a doctor, and do not take it as a "candy." There are a lot of natural products that will cope with blood vessels, not worse than aspirin.

So, the list of natural products that dilute blood is very extensive:

But we have not yet said a word about the most useful product, which liquefies blood, and prevents the formation of blood clots. This product is just water.

Our blood is 90% water, and people suffering from vascular disease, or for now, just too much blood, drink very little water. Especially it is manifested in the heat - the moisture actively evaporates, the vessels are narrowed, and the blood is thicker than ever. Of course, blood clots are formed, and strokes and heart attacks in summer heat are the most frequent and habitual for physicians.

Also, not instead of, and together with water, it is useful to drink natural juices from sour berries, grapes, tomatoes, lemons , oranges.

Blood thickening products

Well, in the end, we left for you the most delicious foods that we love madly, even at the cost of health, but from which we will have to give up in order to preserve not only the integrity of the vessels, but also life.

Harmful products: