Complex of General Developing Exercises

The word "general development" casts a slight nostalgia for school years. If today we were able to train and lose weight with that zeal that we once avoided, otmazyvalis and dodging the complexes of general development exercises, proposed by the beloved "fizruks", believe me, every second would have the figure of Cindy Crawford.

But it's time to reassess your life's positions and now we independently find the same boring, non-creative and faceless exercises for the whole body, charging, warming up and warm-up. We will try to give you a school complex of general development exercises in motion, so to speak, "under the sauce" of modern gloss and fitness fashion.

But, first of all, let's think together how to work the whole body and get pleasure from the process.

The best general development complex - dancing and gymnastics

Dancing is one of the few types of fitness that really develops our body comprehensively. If the very concept of the general developmental complex of exercises displeases you, do not stand still, "invent" your approach to the development of all muscle groups by enrolling in any dance course.

Another option is morning exercise. It is good that time can be found for everyone. In addition, charging can be given as a complex of general development exercises with various equipment, such as a skipping rope , a fitball, a gymnastic hoop, a health drive, etc.


We also offer you the option of a complex of general development exercises with subjects, namely, with a fitness band.

  1. We hold the rubber band in our hands, the left leg in front, the right one behind, the knees are half-bent. Squats with a spread, in motion stretch the elastic band in your hands - 10 times per side.
  2. We complicate the exercise: we squat down, touching the floor with the knee, and raise the hands with the rubber band higher, to the level of the head.
  3. FE - legs together, arms raised above the head. We make an attack to the side, crouching, hands stretch at the chest level.
  4. We get into a wide rack, the right leg in front, the left one on the elastic band, whose arms we hold in front of us. From the position of bent hands, straighten your arms in front of you and return to the IP. We execute 10 times on each side.
  5. IP - low stand, right knee bent at right angles, left on the floor, with the left hand hold on the handle, right on the side. We rise, tearing off a knee from a floor, pulling an elastic band. We carry out on both sides.
  6. We become in posture an emphasis lying with extended legs. Rubber we throw behind the shoulder blades, handles under the brushes. Straightening your arms, stretch the elastic band and so we squeeze out. We do 15 times.
  7. We sit down on the floor, our legs are bent, we fix the elastic band at the feet, handles in hands. Straighten your legs, make a turn with the body and raise your arms to the sides.
  8. PI - the same, the body tilts to the legs, and hands are taken back. We fix the situation and return to the IP.