Ingredients of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are one of the most valuable products for humans. The composition of the chicken egg includes necessary for the functioning of the body proteins and fats, as well as various active biological components - vitamins , micro- and macro elements.

Chemical composition of chicken eggs

The chemical composition of a chicken egg contains:

The composition of the protein of a chicken egg differs from the composition of the yolk, in that it lacks fats and has a higher water content. And yolk, in contrast to protein, contains very few amino acids. The energy value of a chicken egg is 47 kcal (157 kcal per 100 g). A significant portion of the caloric content of the egg (75%) belongs to the yolk.

Proteins provide a significant nutritional value for a hen's egg. Amino acids in chicken eggs are kept in optimal proportions, so they are absorbed by the body almost 100%. For this reason, slimming people and muscle-building athletes often use only egg whites.

The yolk of a chicken egg is one third of fat, a significant part of which is the most important unsaturated fatty acids. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of egg yolk among dieticians appeals to cholesterol. However, in one egg it is not so much - less than the daily rate. Moreover - yolk cholesterol is "neutralized" by another component of the egg - lecithin.

The use of eggs increases the excellent spectrum of vitamins (A, E, PP, D, H, K and Group B), as well as the mineral composition, which includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, iron and others needed for health elements.

Talking about the composition of a chicken egg, you can not forget about its shell. The main component of the shell - calcium, but it includes about 30 other useful mineral elements. Doctors recommend to include in the diet mixed with lemon juice chopped eggshell shell to fill the lack of calcium.

Harm of chicken eggs

Due to the content of the ovomucoid protein in the egg, this product is highly allergenic. Ovomukoid causes failures in the production of enzymes by the pancreas, which leads to incomplete digestion of foods and an exacerbation of allergic symptoms. Limit the content in the diet of eggs should be with hypertension, liver disease, kidney and gallbladder, skin diseases. In addition, eggs can also become a source of pathogenic bacteria. One of the most pathogenic is salmonella. To protect against this microorganism, doctors recommend cooking eggs at least 8 minutes after boiling.