Bergamot grass - useful properties

Bergamot is known for its many important properties. It acts as a general restorative, antimicrobial. This herb is able to quickly stop heavy bleeding, give strength after various kinds of surgery and chemotherapy. Essential oil, obtained from sheets and inflorescences of bergamot, is used universally.

What is bergamot and why is it useful?

Bergamot is a citrus plant obtained by crossing a bitter orange and lemon. Its fruits are very rare on sale, but essential oil is very common.

From the leaves of bergamot you can make fragrant tea . It is believed that its aroma relieves excessive nervous tension and fatigue, so this plant is widely used in aromatherapy. Leaves are often added to dishes and desserts. They are able to give an original and unique taste.

Useful properties of bergamot are very extensive. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It is also nowadays successfully used in the treatment of infectious, viral and respiratory diseases. Bergamot gives strength to a weakened and emaciated organism, increases its protective functions.

Essential oils and extracts from the leaves of bergamot are used for a reason in cosmetology. Creams made on their basis are bleaching. They are able to relieve acne, clean the greasy pores of grease and dirt, return the skin to a young and radiant appearance. Bergamot can give health and hair. Rubbing into the bulbs of the broth from this herb will help to strengthen the roots, preventing hair loss. Such procedures significantly accelerate the growth of hair, restore their structure from the inside.

Another important property of bergamot is its ability to relieve stress , depressive and anxious condition. Inhaling his aromas, you can lift your mood, relieve fatigue, stabilize your mental state, recharge your batteries and improve your brain activity.

Bergamot is one of the best aphrodisiacs. Its aroma kindles sexual desire, increases masculine strength, emotions and sensations. The use of bergamot is enormous. This herb accelerates the healing of all kinds of wounds and burns. Most skin diseases can be cured with tinctures or oils from bergamot. These funds can defeat the fungus in a short time. Compresses from decoction are also used to effectively treat infected skin areas.