Blackberry is good

Fans of wild berries are not by chance compared to blackberries with raspberries. Both varieties of forest berries have common "ancestors". Externally, very similar berries, blackberries and raspberries, are markedly different in taste and color. Blackberry has a very pleasant sweet and sour, slightly astringent taste. The color of the berry varies from blue-black to gray-black, as people say, the colors of the "raven wing."

How useful is the blackberry for the body?

Useful properties of blackberries are known since antiquity. For example, it was used as a medicine for arthrosis and gout ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. Ancient Roman healer and pharmacist Dioscorides used blackberry leaves as a hemostatic and a remedy for gum disease.

Modern healers note the high content of potassium and iron in the berry, so the range of diseases in which the blackberry is used as a "medicine" has significantly increased:

Thanks to its useful properties, the berry of the blackberry has a beneficial effect on the hematopoiesis, participates in the regeneration of cells, strengthens the vessels.

How useful is the blackberry for women?

In addition to the anti-aging effect of the blackberry increases metabolism in cells and improves metabolism. In addition, in 100 grams of berries contains only 35 calories. Low calorie makes the blackberry a "participant" of many diets. Eating only 100 g of berries a woman receives an important set of microelements (zinc, potassium, manganese, sodium, copper, iron) and vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) for her health.

Specialists note the benefits of blackberries for the woman's body both during and after pregnancy. Thanks to a large number of trace elements, vitamins and tannins, the body of a woman is quickly restored after childbirth. The hemoglobin level in the blood is normalized. Improves metabolism.

What is more useful, raspberries or blackberries?

Blackberries can bring a lot of benefit to the human body. Recently, endocrinologists increasingly recommend using blackberries to their patients with diabetes . The chemical compounds that make up the berries can normalize the glucose level in the patient's blood. In addition, the blackberry promotes better absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, everyone who cares about the health of their bones and teeth doctors recommend to use this berry more often.

Raspberry, like the blackberry, is rich in vitamins and trace elements. The high content of ascorbic acid in this berry allows it to be used against colds. And, in the form of jam, its medicinal properties are increasing.

Doctors-sexopathologists recommend raspberries as a means of increasing libido, both in men and women. This effect is achieved through zinc, which is contained in the seeds of raspberries.

Thus, it is impossible to obtain an unambiguous answer to the question of which of the berries is more useful. Everyone is free to rely on their own taste, the doctor's testimony, as well as their preferences.