Wetsey Johnson

The beginning of the shocking brand of Vetsey Johnson was laid back in the 60's, when a young and as yet unknown unknown bright and extravagant girl worked for various fashion houses and created unusual and colorful accessories. Her ideas attracted both young people who want to stand out from the crowd, and experienced representatives of the fashion world.

And already in the late 70's, inspired by success, Betsey Johnson created her own brand and opened a number of branded stores. She began to implement the disco style one of the first, as a result of which she pleased her fans with original things with an unusual combination of colors, decor, and unusual cuts of models. At first it was just clothes, but later it was added shoes, glasses, watches, jewelry, bags, scarves and even pantyhose.

Shoes from Wetsey Johnson

The absolute majority of shoes and other shoes Betsey Johnson have an extremely high heel. The exception is ballet shoes and some models of shoes. So, if you have problems with leg health, it's better not to take risks and not take them.

But if your legs allow you to wear a high lift, then you can congratulate yourself, because it looks like shoes from a famous designer is simply awesome. In it, you just stand out from the crowd and cause a sea of ​​delights.

Betsey Johnson Bags

Bags of this brand are very diverse. Some models are designed for young and romantic girls, others - for shocking and courageous persons. Unites their excellent quality of materials and tailoring, convenience and unchanging style. With such a bag, you are unlikely to be called boring.

Vetsey Johnson Costume Jewelry

To complete the image, it remains only to pick up a couple of unusual ornaments. Although, honestly, the choice is so wide that you simply get lost among all these hearts, cats, birds and octopuses. Unconventional girls will experience a real pleasure, getting acquainted with the decorations of this brand.