With what you can not eat melon and why?

It's no secret that there is a table of product incompatibilities developed by nutritionists many years ago. It gives recommendations on the digestibility of certain products, their combination with each other, etc. There are many restrictions on the use of melon, and what it is not and why - in this article.

With what it is impossible to combine melon?

Those who are wondering why it is impossible to mix melon with other products, it is worth responding that this requires different components of gastric juice . As a result, the work of this internal organ is more difficult than usual. Berry during this time has time to wander, and this is fraught with the emergence of severity, nausea, flatulence, discomfort and other unpleasant consequences. In addition, high-carbohydrate food provides the body with energy itself, so there is no need to combine it with something else. Therefore, melon is recommended to be consumed between meals.

Many people ask why it is impossible to eat a melon with honey, because these are two very useful products, and not heavy for the stomach. There is an opinion that they are able to "stick together" in a mass that is not pushed by the intestine, that is, as they say, formed the turn of the intestines. In addition, this combination can dramatically increase the level of glucose in the blood, which is especially dangerous for diabetics, and frankly, the taste of such a tandem is also not very, if only for very special lovers of sweet.

Those who are wondering why it is impossible to drink a melon with alcohol should be told that such a combination further increases the processes of putrefaction in the digestive tract, which leads to diarrhea, flatulence and bloating. This is especially true when combining with carbonated alcoholic beverages. In general, melon is a very useful product, but it should be consumed in moderation and as an independent dish, not dessert after a plentiful meal.