Makes hands

Feeling, when he takes his hands cramp not from pleasant. For sure, every person at least once in his life encountered this phenomenon. Convulsions of the hands can disturb very seldom, but in some people they happen often, than deliver a lot of inconveniences. In order to get rid of these unpleasant feelings, it is necessary to determine why the spasm reduces hands, fingers, or any other parts of the body.

The most common causes of hand cramps are:

Only after the cause of the spasms is identified, one can seek an answer to the question of what to do if he takes his hands. Depending on the situation, age, general well-being, appropriate means should be selected to combat this trouble.

There are a number of ways to get rid of seizures of various parts of the body:

  1. Massage. If the spasm reduces hands, fingers on the hands or feet, it is necessary, first of all, to massage the wounded area well. This simple procedure allows you to improve blood circulation and quickly get rid of cramps. If the cramp reduces regularly the right or left arm, then massage should be done daily, without waiting for another spasm. For massage you can use oil or balm.
  2. Warm baths . If the cramp reduces hands regularly at night, then for the prevention should take a warm bath. In the bath you can add sea salt or aromatic oil. This procedure allows you to relax all the muscles of the body and relieve tension.
  3. Herbal preparations. Phytotherapy is a good tool for the prevention of many diseases. If the spasm regularly reduces your hands, you should drink chamomile tea every day - it helps to relax the muscles. Lime tea is also a good relaxing remedy. If the spasm reduces hands during pregnancy, then before using the herbs should consult a doctor - some of them may be contraindicated.
  4. Food. With regular hand cramps, foods containing large amounts of calcium and potassium should be included in the daily diet. Such products include: milk, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, greens.
  5. Avoid hypothermia. Regular supercooling can make cramps chronic, so it is especially important not to allow hypothermia to those who have seizures often enough.

If you can not get rid of the spasms of the hands on your own, then you can seek advice from a reflexotherapist. Perhaps, the spasm reduces hands or fingers on the hands due to regular exposure to certain active points of the body. And this, in turn, causes increased blood flow and the occurrence of spasm. The specialist will be able to identify a similar problem and suggest the most optimal method that will allow you to get rid of seizures forever.