Solar keratosis

Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous and intractable forms of cancer. Its development is promoted by various benign pathologies of the epidermis, for example, actinic or sunny keratosis. This disease occurs in elderly and young, mostly light-skinned people. If it is not subjected to timely and adequate therapy, then the risk of degeneration of non-dangerous tumors into malignant carcinoma is significantly increased.

Symptoms of solar keratosis

A characteristic manifestation of the described problem is the appearance on the body (back, chest, upper limbs, neck and face) of a large number of small spots of coffee or light gray color, similar to freckles. Over time, plaques thicken and begin to rise above the surface of healthy skin, turning into dense nodules, covered with a horny crust. Such neoplasms are called keratomas, they can be damaged, crumbled and detached, resulting in itching, bleeding and soreness of the affected areas.

Treatment of sunny skin keratosis

Therapy of the examined disease can be medical and surgical.

Conservative approach is used in the early stages of actinic keratosis with a small number of tumors. It consists in the use of special ointments with exfoliating action, as well as cytostatics .

When pathology is diagnosed at the stage of formation or presence of dense multiple nodules, surgical removal by kerat is prescribed. It is executed by one of the following methods:

Treatment of solar keratosis by folk remedies

Use alternative methods of therapy is strictly prohibited, as the use of such techniques is fraught with damage and irritation of the kerat, which can lead to their degeneration into cancer.