The nails on the legs are cracked

Nails are a reflection of the state of health throughout the body and therefore, in any violation of the integrity of the stratum corneum, it is important to pay attention to them. And, it is necessary to follow not only hands. If the nails on the legs are removed, this may indicate the development of infectious diseases or mycosis lesions.

Strongly cracked nails on the legs - the reason

Such factors can cause damage of this kind:

To find out exactly why the toenails are removed, it is possible with the help of a doctor's consultation and the delivery of a number of laboratory tests.

The nails on the legs are cut off - treatment

According to the diagnosis, a complex therapy scheme is being developed.

Some reasons require only replacing hygienic cosmetics with better quality analogs, as well as improving nail care and careful selection of comfortable, soft shoes. Usually timely measures allow you to get rid of the violations in question within just 10 days.

When a fungal lesion is often broken down a large nail on the leg. Concomitant symptoms may include:

In such situations, it is recommended to go to the hospital for scraping and, with confirmation of onychomycosis, purchase antifungal drugs. Treatment will consist in the daily removal of damaged surfaces by means of a special saw blade or scraper, and then applied to a cleaned nail plate of a potent medicament. As a rule, noticeable results appear one week after the start of therapy. Complete elimination of the fungus can be achieved after a one-month course.

When fingernails are cracked due to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should reconsider your diet and, if necessary, consult a gastroenterologist and nutritionist, make ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

It will be superfluous to take care of sufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macro elements in the body, especially in the spring season.