Burrs on the fingers - treatment

Burrs are torn pieces of skin, caused by an incorrect manicure or interaction with skin-drying substances. Burrs on the fingers, the treatment of which is discussed in the article, not only spoil the appearance of the hands, but also carry danger, because germs can penetrate into the wound.

Treatment of burrs

The appearance of a burr is always unpleasant. He not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also causes painful sensations that interfere with his household affairs. When you find a burr, the main thing you can not do is tear off or bite off the skin. You can only delete a burr like this:

  1. First it is necessary to wash hands, disinfect them and the instrument used.
  2. Then, using special tweezers, carefully cut the skin.
  3. The resulting wound is treated with iodine, zelenka or essential oil of tea tree , which also has antiseptic properties.

Burr agrin - treatment

To combat abscesses use potassium permanganate. Several crystals of the substance are dissolved in a liter of water and a finger is held in it for ten minutes. You can also carry out the procedure with soda and salt. Add two to three teaspoons in water.

If a burr and a finger swelling, then it is possible for treatment to need the help of a doctor who will make a puncture for the outflow of pus. At home, in this case, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments in combination with a few drops of propolis tincture, which has a clear antimicrobial effect.

For stretching pus with inflammation of the burr treatment involves applying a compress of aloe. Before cutting the film, the sheet is placed on the finger and fixed with a bandage.

Also against inflammation are not bad help:

Treatment of burrs at home

To remove pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation can be with simple recipes:

  1. Hand wash with soap. In a basin of warm water, various small garments are collected and, using baby soap, tinder them. Warm water weakens the pain, and soap components remove the swelling.
  2. Compress of Vishnevsky ointment. Recommend to apply a compress to the steamed fingers. The patient's finger is smeared with ointment, wrapped with a bandage and held for three hours.
  3. Baths with salt. In one liter of water, two hundred grams of sea ​​salt or a common cook is bred and placed on the fire for five minutes. Then the affected fingers are immersed in a container and kept until the water becomes warm.