Exercises for the lower back for pain

A huge number of people suffer from back pain, which in most cases is caused by a sedentary sedentary lifestyle. To cope with discomfort, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, performing special physical training. There are exercises for relieving pain in the lower back and strengthening the muscles of the back . It is important to say that if the discomfort is felt constantly and even worse, then you must first consult a doctor, since the problem is serious and you need qualified help.

Exercises for the loins for pain in the home

Before proceeding to training, you need to consider some rules that will prevent injury. All the exercises below should be performed at a slow pace, avoiding sudden movements. It is important not to overload the muscles, so the load should be increased gradually. If pain is felt during exercise, then you must immediately stop it. In this case, going to the doctor can not be avoided. You can get results only with regular classes and if the discomfort is regular, then it is best to practice daily.

The simplest exercise is done with a bolster under the waist, and it should be noted that the result is felt almost immediately. The task is very simple, you need to lie down on the floor and put the roller under your waist. Hands stretch over your head and just lie there for at least two minutes. Now let's move on to more complex exercises where you need to consider the right technique.

  1. "Pose of the child . " Stand on your knees so that your hips are with them on the same line. Connect the legs so that the thumbs of the feet touch, and the knees are at the distance of the shoulders. Lower your buttocks on your heels, exhale and lower your body down, so that the chest and belly lie on your hips. The back and neck should be in the same plane. Touch the floor with your forehead and pull your hands forward. Hold this position for a few minutes.
  2. The Cat . This exercise for the waist, allows you to quickly cope with the pain. To perform it, you need to stand on all fours, placing the brush under your shoulders. Put the feet so that the heels look up. Breathing in, squeeze the spine, directing the crown and coccyx up. On an exhalation round a backbone, lowering a head downwards. It is important not to move your hands and feet.
  3. "The Hunting Dog . " To perform this exercise to strengthen the muscles of the waist, you need to stand on all fours. Raise at once both the leg and the opposite arm, so that they form a straight line. Lock the position for a few seconds, and then take the PI and repeat everything to the other side.
  4. Raising the pelvis . Lie down on the floor, bend your knees, and keep your hands along the body. You can pinch the roller between the knees, but this is not necessary. Slowly raise the pelvis upward so that the body becomes straight. After fixing the position, lower the pelvis down and repeat all over again.
  5. Twisting . Without changing the position, that is, lying on your back, raise your legs upwards so that they form a right angle with the floor. Hands spread apart, which will help to hold the position. To perform an exercise to relax the waist, tilt your legs to the side, moving like a clock arrow. This will lead to twisting in the lower back. It is important to keep the top of the body stationary, so do not lift your shoulders. Lower your legs to their maximum, fix the position, and then, return to the FE. Do it 10-12 times.
  6. "Swimmer" . Sit on your stomach, keep your legs together, and pull your arms forward. Raise both hands and feet at the same time, and follow the movements, imitating swimming. Do everything at a moderate pace, as long as you have enough strength. You should repeat 3-5 times.