Exercise "Cat"

Every year the number of people experiencing pain in the back is increasing. The whole fault is a lifestyle , as many spend time in front of the computer in the wrong position. Cope with this situation will help the exercise "Cat" with additional swing of the press and muscles of the hips. With regular exercise, you can forget about back pain and achieve correct posture.

How to perform the "Cat" exercise for the back?

Stand on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders. The center of gravity should fall on your knees and palms. Inhale, pull in your stomach and, tilting your head down, stretch your back up as high as possible. Count to eight and on inspiration, sink down, and then bend over in the back and lift your head up. After that, repeat everything from the very beginning.

Recommendations for the implementation of the exercise "Cat":

  1. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to include this exercise in charging and make it stand on an empty stomach. If you still ate, then it must pass, at least 2 hours.
  2. It is necessary to make slow and smooth movements, which are similar to waves.

Exercise "Cat" is useful for pregnant women, because it helps stretch the spine and massage the abdominal cavity. With regular training, you can improve the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and back.

Variants of the exercise "Cat"

There is not only a classical version of this exercise, we will present the most common interpretations:

  1. The Japanese "Cat" . Sit on your lap and sit on your heels. Hands rest in a byrd near the knees. Tilt the torso slightly forward. This variant of the exercise helps to work out the lumbar-thoracic department.
  2. The cat-sphinx . Lay on your knees and forearms. The elbows should be on the floor with shoulders, and the hand should be pointed forward. Take deep breaths and exhalations. Gives the exercise a load on the thoracic spine.
  3. "The cat moves its tail . " Arrange on all fours and bend in the lower back. Do the movements of the pelvis then to the left, then to the right. Together with this, bend the spine from side to side, directing the shoulder to the hips.