Exercises in the gym for weight loss

Proper exercise in the gym allows you to get a good result in a relatively short period of time. The ability to use extra weight and special equipment helps to increase the load on the body.

Exercise program in the gym

To achieve results, you need to train three times a week. Do a few approaches, starting with two, and as for the number of repetitions, then the number is about 10-15 times. Begin training with a warm-up, and end with a hitch.

Exercises in the gym for weight loss:

  1. Squats . The most effective exercise for pumping gluteal muscles. To go down it is necessary, diverting the buttocks back and until there is a right angle in the knees, and they should not go beyond the socks.
  2. Plieu . Another option is sit - ups , which will ultimately get beautiful legs. Put your feet wide, pointing your socks outward. In your hands, take a dumbbell. Crouch down, pulling your buttocks back and making sure that your knees do not go over your socks.
  3. Bending legs in the simulator . Sit on the simulator so that the back is flat and snug against the back. Unbend and bend your legs, moving slowly and without jerking. At the top, make a delay.
  4. Hyperextension . This exercise for the back and thin waist in the gym is very effective. Arrange on the simulator, so that the hips rest against the rollers. Hands cross on the chest and keep the body straight. Make inclines forward, rounding the back, and then, rise to the FE.
  5. Horizontal thrust . Sit on the bench and grasp the handle. Keep your back flat, and then, pull up the handle to your stomach. It is important to move the shoulder blades, pointing the chest up.
  6. Vertical thrust . Grasp the grip with a wide grip and tilt the body slightly back, and keep your back flat. Pull the handle to your chest, and then return to the FE.
  7. Press the dumbbells . Keep dumbbells in your hands, bent at the elbows, near the head. The palms should be pointed forward. Press the dumbbells upward, connecting them over your head.
  8. Horizontal press . Sit on the simulator and keep your back flat. Do information and put your hands in front of your chest.