Allergic dermatitis in infants

At children of the first year of a life the skin very gentle and easily vulnerable, that is why on it often eruptions or inflammatory processes can appear.

Types of children's dermatitis

Depending on the causes that cause the disease, these types of dermatitis are distinguished:

  1. Allergic - occurs due to food intolerance. Most often in newborns, it develops due to intolerance to lactose, later - with the introduction of lures, for some foods that allergies. Sometimes, when skin contacts with allergens, contact allergic dermatitis also begins.
  2. Atopic dermatitis - transmitted by heredity, exacerbations may be associated with the psychoemotional state of the child.
  3. Seborrheic - caused by fungal diseases, occurs on the scalp of the baby.
  4. Diaper - occurs in the skin folds due to prolonged skin irritation with faeces and urine with improper care.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis in children

Treatment of dermatitis depends on the causes that cause it.

If a child has allergic dermatitis, then medicinal and folk remedies are rarely used. To cure, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of the baby a product that is an allergen. But often it is difficult for a mother to determine it, and it is necessary to consult an allergist and even to determine the allergen.

When diaper dermatitis, you need to ensure the child proper care and not allow a long stay in dirty diapers or diapers.

Seborrheic dermatitis requires not only proper care, but also prevention of secondary infectious complications.

But the most difficult to cope with atopic dermatitis, since the specific cause of its appearance is not established, and in addition to eliminating the allergen, it is also necessary to eliminate the effect of any irritating factors on the baby's skin.