Increased tonus in the newborn

Muscular tone in newborns is not only the basis of movements, but also an important indicator of the functioning of the nervous system and the state of the child as a whole. Deviations in the strength of muscle tone - this is just a symptom that signals a number of problems.

The disease of the muscle tone, in which there is an overuse of the muscles of the child, is called hypertonus. The causes of its manifestation can be various complications during pregnancy - for example, birth trauma or placental insufficiency. Also, increased muscle tone can occur as a result of brain tissue damage during pregnancy or, directly, during labor, which leads to hyperactivity of brain structures that affect muscle tone. As a rule, in most children in the first six months of life, increased muscle tension is taken as the norm. Hypertonus has differences from the normal physiological tone of muscles and it can be determined by numerous external signs.

External signs of increased muscle tone in newborns

  1. As a rule, with hypertension, the child is very restless, sleeps very little and sleeps very badly, often "dies" in a strong crying without a reason, during which the baby throws back the head and begins to tremble his chin. After feeding, children with such a disease often regurgitate. Even the not very bright light and soft sounds can irritate them.
  2. A sign that characterizes the increased tone in newborns is also a peculiar posture during sleep - the toddler throws the head back, and the hands and feet tightly squeezes together. The child does not allow them to dilute, and when repeated attempts to wake up and begins to cry heavily.
  3. If the kid with hypertension try to put on the legs, taking him by the armpits and tilting slightly forward, then he will lean on the "tiptoe" and pinch his fingers.
  4. Often, with increased muscle tone, the child lags behind in development - he starts to hold the head, to sit, stand and walk without support.

Treatment of increased muscle tone in newborns

Of course, you can give many examples of "from life", when the muscle tone of the newborn passes without a trace and without any treatment. But is it worth risking your child's health? After all, this can lead in the future to a violation of posture and gait, and also may develop torticollis and clubfoot.

With a mild form of increased muscle tone in a newborn, as a treatment, it will be sufficient to conduct several courses of professional massage and therapeutic gymnastics. It is important that these procedures are not accompanied by the crying of the child, as this can lead to an even greater muscle tone. Most often, in addition to massage and gymnastics prescribed physiotherapy - it can be electrophoresis, paraffin treatment or ozocerite treatment. In the evening, young mothers are recommended to do for her baby relaxing herbal baths and practice treatment with aromatherapy. And also, do not forget about the importance of taking appropriate vitamins. As a rule, such treatment is enough to remove all signs of increased muscle tone closer to a year and a half by the child.

With more severe forms of hypertension, all of the above is added and drug treatment. Usually, the recommended intake of B vitamins in combination with midokalm to relieve muscle tension, with nootropics to improve blood supply to the brain and diuretics to reduce fluid in the brain.

Remember that even with the most dubious manifestations of hypertonia, you should not let yourself go. Let your experience be better than false. Be healthy, you and your baby!