How to sit on the longitudinal splits?

Most people think that sitting on a twine after 20 years is almost impossible task. Someone is sure that you can get as a result only one thing - trauma. Of course, the injury can be obtained, but if you do not perform the exercises that prepare for the twine. Over the years, the human body becomes less flexible, the joints lose mobility, and the muscles and ligaments are not so elastic. But age is not a hindrance to sit on the longitudinal twine, you just need to know how to prepare for it. Flexibility is an excellent quality, which can be developed if desired at any age. The most important thing in this business is not to chase after the result immediately.

How fast can I sit on the longitudinal splits?

It is necessary to do exercises that will take about 15 minutes a day. Already after a while it will be possible to boast of the result before relatives and acquaintances. Rules:

  1. Those who are interested in how to sit on the longitudinal twine for a week, you need to know that you are not allowed to skip the workout, since it is with it that you can warm up the muscles and prepare the bundles for the load.
  2. You need to sit on the floor, spread your legs wider. Bend to the right foot as low as possible and reach for it for 30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise, reaching for the left leg, then to the center.
  3. Sit, stretch your legs forward and try to reach your toes for 60 seconds. To complicate the exercise, it is better to stretch the toes of the feet from oneself.
  4. The previous exercise is done, only in the standing position. You have to try to get your feet out without bending your legs.
  5. Become one foot on the knee, the second to pull forward. Stretch for 30 seconds. Swap legs and repeat.

If you perform these exercises every day, then after a week you can gradually try to sit on the twine. Maybe not everyone, but most will succeed.

Those who care whether everyone can sit on the twine , should know that with enhanced training it will be possible for everyone.