Spermogram: pathological forms

To identify the cause of infertility in men, a study is conducted, during which a spermogram is made, which allows isolating pathological forms of spermatozoa. The presence in the ejaculate of a large number of spermatozoa with an anomaly of morphology is called teratozoospermia. The study of these germ cells takes place exclusively under the microscope after their immobilization, for the implementation of which various kinds of spermogram are used.

What are the pathological forms of sperm?

The following abnormal forms of the spermatozoon have been identified:

In the first form of pathology, usually a large, rarely a giant sperm head appears. This violation was called macrocephaly. There may also be spermatozoa with a disproportionately small head size - microcephaly. The cause of the appearance of the pathology of the sperm head may be as adverse factors, genetic predisposition, and hormonal disorders. In addition, often this pathology occurs after a viral infection, which leads to the development of inflammation of the testicles.

With pathology in the cervical region, an abnormal flight of the flagella is observed, the angle is usually less than 180 degrees. With pathology in the tail, usually such forms as shortening, fracture of the flagellum, doubling, etc. are distinguished.

In the presence of several pathologies, in different parts of the spermatozoon, they speak of the development of polyanomal spermatozoa.

What are the parameters of the study of spermatozoa?

When carrying out the spermogram, for diagnosing sick men, many parameters are taken into account.

  1. Time of liquefaction of the ejaculate. Sperm immediately after its release is not liquid. Usually it takes from 10 to 60 minutes. With an increase in this interval, or complete absence of dilution, it is said that there is a violation in the work of the prostate gland. However, the relationship between this parameter and the presence of infertility in men has not been revealed to date.
  2. Volume of sperm. Normally, this parameter is 3-4 ml. The volume of ejaculate plays a big role in the process of fertilization, tk. itself a seminal fluid, is nothing but alien cells for the female body, the appearance of which leads to the suppression of the immune system.
  3. The number of spermatozoa in the sperm. When carrying out any kind of spermogram, this parameter is the most important. The concentration of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be 60-120 million in 1 ml.
  4. Sperm motility. Normally, spermogram shows 60-70% of active and up to 10-15% of inactive spermatozoa. The number of fixed ones does not usually exceed 10-15%. At a pathology this figure sharply increases. This pathology is observed in those men whose work is associated with high fever, for example, a cook, a bathhouse attendant, etc.

How is treatment carried out?

Spermogram is a sufficiently informative method of investigation. It is with the help of spermogram that the presence of pathological forms of spermatozoa is revealed and treatment is prescribed.

The entire therapeutic process is aimed at reducing the number of anomalies in sperm and increasing the number of mobile spermatozoa. However, in most cases, the only way to solve this problem is IVF, before which the most mobile, and with the absence of anomalies of spermatozoa, are selected from the sperm collected from the man.

For the timely detection of pathology and treatment of the disease, each man for prevention purposes should undergo a test and make a spermogram.