Well-being after embryo transfer

After the transfer of embryos a woman may not feel any changes. However, this does not indicate the absence of processes in the body. The very fact of implantation of the embryo into the uterus on the first weeks does not give any changes in the state of health of the mother. The only thing that can change the sensations of a woman who has undergone IVF is a concomitant hormonal treatment. In some, it may cause drowsiness, others may not sleep well, and other symptoms may appear that do not indicate in any way what is happening or whether pregnancy is not.

Life after embryo transfer

To say that life after the embryo transfer does not change in any way means not even trying to understand a woman who is waiting for a miracle. Yes, you are still the same, the same close people around you, you already occupy a certain position in the society, but now you are waiting for what you dreamed of for a long time. After all, it's not a secret that not always ECO (it ends with a successful pregnancy, and some women in such a situation take a complete bed rest and suffer setbacks, others, on the contrary, rush into the cycle of everyday affairs in order to avoid worrying thoughts and are eventually pregnant. It's all the same, one thing: you have to adjust yourself to a positive result.

Mode after embryo transfer

In each individual case, the doctor gives recommendations to the woman who was transferred to the embryo. Everything depends on the age, the health, the reasons why a woman could not conceive or bear a child before. But there are general recommendations.

What to do after embryo transfer?

  1. Be sure to rest a few hours after the transfer.
  2. Avoid excessive loads.
  3. Neither take a bath and a cold shower.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. In any case, do not change your diet fundamentally, if possible, only to exclude or reduce the use of harmful food.
  6. Do not take any medications, food additives yourself.
  7. Exclude alcohol and cigarettes.
  8. Daily walk in the fresh air.
  9. Must have a full night's sleep, and at least 1 hour daytime.
  10. Follow the chair, constipation after embryo transfer, can worsen the situation, because the intestines are very close to the uterus.
  11. Avoid conflict situations.

It is not necessary to change cardinally the way of life after the embryo transfer. Although the fact that the food after the transfer of embryos more consistent with the concept of "right", pay attention. If your work is not ranked among the harmful industries, and you do not have to carry weights, you can safely go to work. Just treat yourself more carefully to yourself than on ordinary days. Do not fuss, do not allow nervous breakdowns and various disorders for any reason.

Support after embryo transfer

After the embryo transfer, the woman's body needs medical support. Most often these are hormonal preparations that promote the development of the yellow body, the growth of the endometrium and the excellent attachment of the embryo. Hormonal drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, who knows all the indicators of hormones in your body. Correctly selected support will save from spontaneous miscarriage, as well as from many other unpleasant consequences.

Some women may be intimidated by blood discharge after embryo transfer. Do not panic and strongly worry. In most cases, this does not mean a miscarriage, and timely medical care often allows you to save the pregnancy that has occurred.

Of course, the first days after the transfer of the embryo may seem like a woman for months. Do not harass yourself with thoughts, and "guessing" the result on the 3rd, 5th, 10th day after the transfer of embryos - it's still too early. Try to distract yourself and enjoy life, relax more, find a pleasant and quiet lesson for yourself. And the result you will find out in due time. Let's believe in the best!