Reproduction of zebrafish

When choosing the "inhabitants" for their aquarium, many people stop on the fish of the species zebrafish. The reason is that these fish are very unpretentious in their maintenance, have modest requirements for food and get on well with the rest of the neighbors. In addition, the zebrafish is a fairly simple process of reproduction, so for its organization you will have enough experience in aquariums.

Reproduction of zebrafish at home

The breeding of this kind of fish in the aquarium is quite simple. First you need to select one female and several males. To distinguish them is not difficult - the male has pronounced yellow-green strips on the body and a less complete abdomen. The readiness of the female to spawn will be spoken by a thickened abdomen in the region of the anal fin.

Important: before spawning the selected individuals should be fed abundantly, it is advisable to use korektru.

So, how to organize breeding zebrafish? To begin with, you need to equip a spawning aquarium. Of course, the breeding of zebrafish can also begin in a common aquarium, but there is a high probability that caviar will be eaten by other fish.

In the spawning tank, the water must be kept fresh and fresh. Its temperature should be 24-26 degrees. The layer of water should exceed the plants by about 5-6 cm. This capacity should be placed on the illuminated window sill and put fish into it in the evening. Early in the morning, when the sun's rays fall on the aquarium, spawning will begin. If on the first day spawning did not happen, then the producers should be left in the aquarium for another day, feeding them in advance with a moth. If the next day the situation is similar, then the males should be sent off from the females for 4 days and put back into spawn.

When the spawning is over, it is necessary to drain the fish, and replace part of the water with a constant, same temperature and composition.

About 3-5 days after the spawn, the zebrafish fry will appear. At first they will resemble strings with thickened heads, but after a few days the fry begin to swim on their own. At this point they need to give rotifers, infusorians and nauplii artemia. If there is no way to get hold of the feed data, then use a hard-boiled egg and diluted egg yolk with water.