Women's eco-leather jackets

How many names of artificial leather exist today? And do not count. Someone calls such a material kozhzamom, someone - dermantinom, and someone - PVC. In the last few seasons, very often in fashion collections of clothes you can hear a name like eco-leather. What is it and what does it eat?

Eco-leather is the same artificial material as the ones listed above. However, the unique feature of such products is the environmental friendliness of the components used. So the usual substitutes for natural material are made by applying a film of polyvinyl chloride on a knitted or non-woven basis. In the case of eco-leather products, a polyurethane film is applied to the lining fabric. This combination is considered breathable, and also does not emit harmful microelements, which determines the ecological purity of the material.

The most popular eco-leather product today is a women's jacket. Inexpensive, but very similar to natural material is used for both winter and demi-season models. Eco-leather jackets are strong enough, wear-resistant, and stylish and fashionable in addition to the original decor and decoration.

Autumn jackets made of eco-leather

Popular models for the warm demi-season period are stylish shortened jackets from eco-leather. Similar jackets designers offer with a fitted silhouette, a truncated sleeve, a beautiful neckline. These styles are light enough, but reliable in windy weather. In a cooler autumn period, the actual choice will be closed-cut jackets. These styles are elongated and wider fit, high collar, hood presence. Stylish finish of autumn jackets from eco-skin can be oblique zipper, figured neckline and collar shape, as well as all kinds of buckles, rivets and other metal decor.

Winter jackets made of eco-leather

Winter jackets from eco-skin are often represented by elongated models, as well as in a variant with fur. Naturally, the styles for the cold season are insulated with a dense lining. Fur trim can act as a decor or perform a functional role. Eco-leather jackets with fur are presented in an elongated and shortened cut, with a straightened, straight and A-shaped silhouette, and also on the belt. Fur decor can also be natural or artificial, which directly affects the price of the product and its external design.