Fat Burning Exercises

There is no universal exercise or ingenious diet that will save you from the spoiling of life, the notorious problem zone. Fight with excess weight can only be purposefully and comprehensively with the help (sorry for the banality) of proper nutrition and any complex of fat burning exercises. We emphasize: your body will be saved by virtually any kind of motor activity. Here the main thing is to move.

But formally, the best fat-burning exercises are a combination of cardio-load and strength training. Explain the uniqueness of this combination is very simple. Cardio accelerates the heartbeat and breathing, together with it, metabolism is also activated, and hence our ability to burn fat. That's why you can not do without any kind of "heart training":

The second element of ideal fat-burning exercises is strength training. Do not be afraid of this term, because it's not about pulling and pressing heavy weights. Strength training is squats, push-ups, pumping of the press, backs and everything else. Only exercises that force you to actively contract muscles can make you "already" in volume. Thanks to strength training, the body ceases to be flabby, and the muscles that appeared on the spot of fat will not allow you to re-fatten your muscles, because muscles actively eat calories.


Our complex of exercises is the work on five problem areas for women. It's about the triceps (that is, the place where the fat hangs when lifting the arms), the fat burning exercises for the abdomen and sides, the inner thighs, and the buttocks.

These are really effective fat-burning exercises that change your appearance beyond recognition in just a month. But provided that you will devote daily to this difficult occupation for as many as 10 minutes.

  1. We begin with triceps - we need dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg, or bottles of water or sand. We take the archer stand - we lift the left leg forward and bend, the right leg - we set it back and stretch it. We bend the body parallel to the floor, the right elbow is lifted just above the back, with the left hand rest against the hip of the front leg. From this position, we begin to unbend the elbow - slowly and with an exhalation, feeling the work of our triceps. In the upper point, for literally a second, we hold the tension of the muscles, then relax the hand and lower it into the FE. Perform 20 repetitions on each hand.
  2. Diamond push-ups - we put our hands together, we drop our breasts down on the palms, on the floor our legs lie to the knees. We fall into the arms and rise. We perform 20 times.
  3. Boka - we rise upward, arms bend in elbows and we squeeze fingers into fists. We set one foot aside. We make twisting from the side - we raise the right leg to the hands, and the body is lowered to the legs, then we lower the leg and pull it to the chest, hands swinging towards the leg. We alternate traffic sideways and forward. We perform 20 times per leg.
  4. Press - perform the exercise bar. We take the pose of the bar, then make a toad - in the jump we pull the legs to the hands and jump back. We repeat 20 times.
  5. The inner surface of the thighs - the legs are wider than the shoulders, the socks are bred separately, we squat and put our hands on the hips. From this position we jump up, pulling the socks down, and we return to the squat. We perform 20 times.
  6. Buttocks - we fall down, we lay down on a back, hands along a body, legs are bent at a knee. Hands reach out to the heels, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, fix this position. In this position, we knit our knees 20 times and raise our legs to the sides, but the buttocks should not move.