Contraceptive ring

Vaginal contraceptive ring NovaRing is a modern means of contraception , which is a flexible plastic ring. It is placed inside the vagina, and it spreads the hormones estrogen and progestogen. According to the principle of work, it is similar to hormonal tablets or plaster.

How effective is the contraceptive ring?

This tool shows high performance indicators - more than 99%. However, it should be borne in mind that such results are provided only by the ring, which is used in strict accordance with the instruction!

The principle of the vaginal contraceptive ring

The hormones that secrete the ring block the release of the egg, preventing the flow of ovulation, and also increase the viscosity of the cervix, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoons into the uterus.

As this means - hormonal , before its application consultation and survey of the gynecologist is necessary. The doctor should find out about your state of health, determine if you have any contraindications.

In fact, its effect is similar to the action of tablets, only in this case the risk of forgetting is eliminated. The ring is installed once a month, then replaced with a new one.

How to use the contraceptive ring correctly?

If in doubt, you can ask your gynecologist to help with the introduction for the first time. But in fact it's as simple as inserting a tampon. It is not possible to install the ring correctly, since its location does not affect efficiency in any way.

The ring is administered once a month: it is set on the first day of menstruation and taken out after three weeks for a seven-day rest, and then a new one is installed.

The ring is located in the vagina in a natural way and does not cause discomfort to either the woman herself or her sexual partner, who may not notice the presence of the ring.