Folk remedies for pregnancy prevention

Many couples try to avoid an untimely pregnancy and be protected from abortions , which can lead to infertility. Therefore, some of them resort to folk methods of contraception. So, what is the prevention of pregnancy in people's ways, let's figure it out.

Unconventional methods of protection from conception

There are couples who decide to take advantage of emergency contraception, which is protection from fertilization with the help of folk remedies. But not everyone knows how different people's contraceptives can be. The most common folk methods of preventing pregnancy are the following:

  1. Interruption of sexual intercourse . This method is not effective enough. The problem is that, together with the lubrication from the penis, a small amount of sperm can be released. And for the fertilization of a mature egg, only one active sperm is sufficient. In addition, after such sexual acts young people will nervously wait for menstruation.
  2. Douching with acidic water . After sexual intercourse, you can douch with water with lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid. This will make it possible to kill spermatozoa, because they are not able to live in an acidic environment. But this method has a low efficiency and disrupts the vaginal microflora, thereby causing various diseases.
  3. Wash your own urine after sexual intercourse . After sex, you need to wash yourself with your own urine. This method is ineffective, besides it is dangerous for health. It is known that in urine there is ammonia nitrogen, creatinine and products of decay and putrefaction of proteins in the body. Just imagine, everything that should forever leave your body comes back, and even in the genitals. This is simply unacceptable and fraught with consequences. As a result of this "protection" you will only get additional problems that "lead to the pen" sexual infections.
  4. Douching with potassium permanganate . After sexual intercourse you need to douche with a solution of boiled water with potassium permanganate (a teaspoon per 1 liter). This method is effective only if the solution is prepared in ideal proportions. Doing his home "on the eye" you can dilute either a too weak solution that does not give a result, or very concentrated, which burns the mucous membrane of the vagina.
  5. Douching decoction of a yellow water lily . To do this, the ground root of the plant is poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. And after intercourse, douching is carried out with a cooled liquid. BUT! Preparing the broth requires great care and scrupulousness, because the wrong proportions can lead to side effects. There will be dizziness, diarrhea, and in some cases a fatal outcome is possible.
  6. Hot bath (male) . Reception of such a bath is carried out before the sexual intercourse begins, and the water temperature should be at least 40 degrees, at which the spermatozoa lose activity. The method is ineffective, because many spermatozoa remain active enough for fertilization.
  7. Hot bath (female) . To receive such a bath after sexual intercourse in water, add a liter of solution from boiling water and a tablespoon of mustard powder. Quite a strange method that does not give an effect.
  8. Household soap, slice of lemon, aspirin tablet . Soap or lemon is injected into the vagina before intercourse, and aspirin after. Such methods do not give a high result, plus violate the vaginal environment and can cause sexual diseases.

Perhaps, if you use several of these methods, you can achieve the desired result, using all this can harm the health, disrupt the microflora of the vagina and then treat all the diseases for a long time. So it is better to use "normal" traditional methods of protection from pregnancy and medications for protection. And if this is not possible, then just at least abstain from sex in fertile days.