Contraceptives for women after 30 years

Contraceptives for women after 30 years should be selected only after consulting a gynecologist. The specialist will take into account all the features of the body, the future plans of the lady on issues of procreation, as well as the saturation of sexual life and on the basis of these factors will choose the optimal method of protection. There are many variants of modern contraceptives for women after 30, let's look at the most popular and frequently used options.

The most safe contraceptives for women after 30

To date, there are several options for protection, firstly, it is, of course, condoms, secondly, hormonal drugs, and thirdly, spermicides. Each tool has its own drawbacks and advantages, so it is necessary to consider many factors when choosing one of them.

  1. Hormonal preparations . First, let's talk about such contraceptives for women after 30 years, like hormone tablets. They have such advantages as ease and ease of reception, a fairly high degree of protection from unwanted pregnancy , a relatively inexpensive cost. But, their main drawback is that women react very differently to the effects of hormones, for example, many complain that when they take pills they have decreased sexual desire, intimate pleasures become indifferent. Of course, such an effect does not always arise and in many respects its appearance will depend on how correctly the preparation is selected. The most popular hormonal drugs today are Marvelon, Yarina, Janine and Belara, they rarely cause the occurrence of side effects and provide reliable protection.
  2. Candles . Now let's look at such contraceptives for women after 30 years, like candles. In fact, these are spermicides, that is, not hormonal drugs. They are recommended to use for women whose sexual life is irregular, since such candles can be inserted into the vagina several minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse and do not use them in the absence of intimate meetings. It is worth noting that the degree of protection from unwanted pregnancy in spermicides is slightly lower than that of hormonal drugs, but they are still reliable enough.
  3. Condoms . And, finally, consider the familiar to virtually all condoms. As a rule, these latex products ladies for 30 do not apply, first, they reduce the pleasure of sexual contact, both they and their partner, and secondly, the cost of good condoms is very large, cheaper to buy tablets. But nevertheless, in some cases gynecologists say that it is more reasonable to use a condom , because choosing which contraceptives it is better to choose after 30 years, they take into account, including the presence of a lady's constant partner. Unfortunately, the most reliable means of protection against sexual infections to date are exactly latex products, neither tablets nor spermicides are able to provide such safety. Therefore, if a woman often changes her sexual partners, it will be more reasonable for her to stop on condoms.

Let's summarize, so:

  1. Choosing the method and method of contraception should only be in conjunction with a gynecologist, and not according to the advice of girlfriends.
  2. Even in case of receiving advice and recommendations of a specialist, side effects may occur, in this situation, the contraceptive should be changed.
  3. Before applying to a gynecologist, carefully consider whether you want to have children in the future, what hormonal changes you have observed recently. Such information is simply necessary for an accurate selection of the method.