Flatulence in newborns

Flatulence in an infant is able to bring a lot of problems not only to the baby, but to the whole family. And because of the anatomical features of the child's body in the first year after birth, the onset of intestinal bowel disorders is not uncommon. Complex processes of adaptation of the organism to the conditions of life outside the maternal organism manifest themselves externally in such digestive problems as the violation of the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and intestine (manifested in the form of colic, eructations, flatulence, etc.). In this article, we will talk about flatulence in children, the causes of its occurrence and the methods of treating this unpleasant phenomenon.

The causes of flatulence

Flatulence is called bloating due to the accumulation of gases in the intestine, accompanied by rumbling, unpleasant sensations and pain (intestinal colic). The escape of gases from the intestine with meteorism is difficult, and as a result, discomfort also occurs. Contrary to popular belief, most often, the gas in the intestine is not the products of food splitting. The main part of the gas gets inside when crying, screaming, accidental ingestion of air during eating. The causes of flatulence can also be premature or too rapid introduction of complementary foods or a new formula (when the body can not adapt to new foods), overfeeding, unbalanced nutrition, etc. Thus, a product that causes flatulence in a newborn can be any food not corresponding to the age category of the child. Often, flatulence is not caused by food, but by the emotional state of the baby (anxiety, overexcitation, etc.). Nutrition of the nursing mother is not directly affected by the state of the child. This means that failure to adhere to a special diet for nursing mothers and the use of certain products by the mother may cause flatulence in the child.

In medicine, flatulence is classified into several species (digestive, dynamic, alimentary, psychogenic, and dysbiotic), but most often mixed species occur. Weak children with digestive disorders, as well as children born before the term, suffer from flatulence more often.

Treatment of flatulence in newborns

There are a number of medications that help get rid of flatulence. Most often they are made on the basis of decoctions of herbs - dill, cumin, fennel, coriander. At home, you can prepare the broths of these herbs and give the baby. It is important to remember that before starting treatment, you should seek advice from a pediatrician. Only a doctor can distinguish ordinary flatulence from the symptom of serious diseases.

There are also physical methods of alleviating the state of the child with flatulence: warming, massage and the use of rectal catheters.

To warm the baby, put his belly on his stomach. You can put a warmer on your stomach or a warm diaper. Massage with flatulence is very simple: the knees bent at the knees are rhythmically pressed to his tummy and straightened again. A good effect is also given by circular stroking of the tummy clockwise. After several repetitions of the gases, usually, they go away and the baby's condition improves. The rectal catheter is a thin tube-gas outlet (most often made of plastic), which is inserted into the anus of the newborn. Despite the simplicity of the design, the efficiency of the rectal catheter is very high. You can replace the finished catheter with a thin rubber tube (soft and without sharp edges, best with a rounded tip). Of course, before the introduction, the tube and anus of the baby should be greased with grease or cream (to facilitate the introduction). Deeply insert a tube is not worth - 1-2 cm. All manipulations must be done very carefully and delicately, so as not to damage the rectum of the crumbs.