Dysbacteriosis in infants

In recent years, the problem of dysbiosis became urgent. It can begin already in infancy. Many mothers do not think that restless behavior, frequent regurgitation and allergic skin rashes occur precisely because of it. Dysbacteriosis in infants is dangerous because it can cause a weakening of immunity and a violation of the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, you need to know the causes and symptoms of this disease in time to begin its treatment.

Intestinal microflora

The newborn comes into this world with a sterile clean digestive tract. The first bacteria begin to colonize in his intestines at a time when he passes through the birth canal. To speed up the process of formation of useful microflora, you need to put the baby on the mother's stomach, and also let him suck the first drops of milk - colostrum. There are substances that trigger the formation of beneficial bacteria. The first week the intestine of the newborn is actively populated by various microorganisms, including pathogens. As a result, the infant develops temporary dysbiosis. But with proper care and nutrition, the beneficial bacteria displace all unnecessary and digestion is being adjusted.

What microorganisms live in the intestine?

The first group of bacteria is called the obligate flora. These are useful microorganisms, providing strong immunity, normal digestion and well-being. These include bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and E. coli. These microorganisms are necessary for normal human activity:

Therefore it is very important that in the first months of a child's life his intestines are actively populated by these microorganisms.

The second group of bacteria is called an optional flora. They are present in the intestines of each person and in adults do not cause any harm. And babies can cause serious diseases. Especially active they begin to multiply with a decrease in immunity or stress. Then talk about the presence of dysbiosis. This is a condition when the intestinal microflora is broken and can no longer perform its functions.

Causes of dysbiosis in infants

Infringement of a microflora begins before a birth of the child. It can cause maternal nutrition, miscarriages, or antibiotics. After the birth of the baby, difficult births, lack of breastfeeding, improper feeding and stress can provoke the development of dysbiosis. Infringement of microflora can develop after an inoculation, introduction of complementary foods, supercooling or teething .

Dysbacteriosis in infants - symptoms and treatment

Typically, signs of impaired microflora are often a loose stool. But these symptoms can be used to determine dysbacteriosis in infants with artificial feeding. In those children who eat breast milk, this is not considered a violation. Frequent stools are normal. Their disease is diagnosed by other signs:

It also happens that the dysbacteriosis develops without showing itself. But you still need to treat it, because the lack of useful bacteria leads to a violation of absorption of vitamins and minerals and at any time can cause illness. Therefore, it is desirable to periodically take an analysis of the dysbacteriosis in infants.

The first step towards treating this disease should be the suppression of pathogenic microflora. For this, bacteriophages and much less often antibacterial drugs are used. To help the body colonize the intestines with a useful microflora, the baby is given probiotics and preparations containing bifido- and lactobacilli. But the most important thing is breastfeeding. Only mother's milk is able to protect the baby from dysbiosis.